chapter five

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We arrive at my house. I throw down my bike and I run inside and upstairs to my room, with Bev following me. "Y/n wait!" I ignore her and go under the covers of my bed.

I sob softly and I feel Bev sitting down on my bed. "Is it true?" I shake my head. "Then what is the truth? Are you still a virgin?" I wipe my tears and I look at Bev.

"What Sam said was half the truth." "Go on" Bev says. "He is the one who strung me up and forced himself on me." Bev gave me a hug and I hugged her back.

"I love you, Y/n. You're my best friend and I won't let Sam or Bill hurt you again." I start laughing. "Thank you Bev, I love you too."

"Remember when us losers went to the Well House after the one year anniversary of kicking the hell out of Pennywise. And we just stood there...too scared to go in, thinking that it was still in there." "Yeah..." I move up so that Bev can lay next to me.

"Remember when you almost went to Portland, but I begged your aunt to let you stay and she said you could." Bev smiles. "Yeah. And I'm the only girl in the group who kissed Bill."

I sit up on my elbows, "Well, I kissed Bill as well, not to brag." She sits up on her elbows too. "Really, when?"


She hits me with a pillow and we laugh. "Guess it's fun when it's just us. Boys are so overrated" Bev scoffs, "Not always, there are a few good ones."

There was a few seconds of silence. "Thanks for being here, Bev" She just smiles at me.

"Let's go to Blockbuster. We can get a VHS to watch and fangirl over cute boys and stuff" I sit up "You know what, yeah let's go."

I jump over Bev and run downstairs. "Where are you guys going?" Emmett asks. "Why?" I ask. "Because I wanna know" "Well we are going to Blockbuster, we'll be back. Don't wait for us." She pulls me outside with her. "Believe me, I won't"

We get on our bikes and we ride to Blockbuster.

I open the door and I see my favorite people. "Hey Robin, Steve" We greet them. "How bout something scary?" I say. "Okay, what do you have in mind?" Bev replies. "The Shining, Carrie, Pet Sematery, It: The Miniseries. Any other?" "Chucky, The Exorsist?" I shake my head. "Uhh, Robin can you quickly help us!" She puts down her pen and runs over to us.

"Yeah sure, what's up?" Bev shrugs "Where is the horror movie isle?" She points left, "Down there" She responds. "Thanks"

We walk to said isle and we look at all the VHS's. "Lets each pick one" Bev nods. "I choose The Shining you?" Bev says. "The It: Miniseries."

"Well here you go, these two please." I say to Robin.

"Aren't you guys too young to even watch this?" Steve comments. "Probably, but you can't stop us." I say, putting $2 on the counter.

"There, enjoy the movies." Robin says, handing them over. "Thanks, bye!"

We arrived at my house, we quickly ran upstairs as quiet as possible, so that we won't run into Emmett. We get to my room safely. "It's too early to watch a movie." Bev says. "I agree." I say "We should probably go outside for 'fresh air'." Bev smiles. "Ugh why, there are like a million stuff to do" I respond.

"One of those things can include irritating the one and only Stan?" I sigh, "Are you sure? I have a history with him." Bev smirks, "You'll be fine. Just don't make it awkward." I nod."Let's go." I open my window and I put a ladder outside the window and I climb out onto it with Bev following me.

We get to the ground and run as quick as possible to our bikes. We get on and start biking to Stan's house.

We arrived and knocked at the door.

Stan opens the door. "Hi Stan" Me and Bev says in unison. "Hi?" He greets unsure. "Wanna come over to chill with us?" I ask. "Sure." We giggle. " us at my place in 10" He nods and closes the door.  "And bring a swimsuit!" Bev shouts.

I widen my eyes. "What?!" She smiles, "It's a 100° today, we need to cool off and what's more fun, crushing over someone in real life or someone in a movie?" I roll my eyes and get on my bike.

"This is gonna be so good." Bev says.

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