Chapter Fourteen

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            Sunday morning, Fallon faced the day with mixed feelings. Though she hated to leave the lust filled paradise the three of them created for themselves, she’d started to feel guilty for leaving her son for so long. What kind of mother left her three month child for a week? Better yet, what kind of mother didn’t give her child a thought for the whole week she was gone? Not once had she even bothered to call to check on her child.

            Still, as anxious as she was to see her son, Fallon dreaded giving up what they were leaving behind. In the last week, the three of them connected in a way she couldn’t explain. It wasn’t a reconnection but a new connection. They’d always loved one another, but this was something stronger.

            “All set?” Lucian asked as Fallon tossed the last of her things into her suitcase.

            “Yes,” Fallon answered, though she cast a wistful glance out the window.

            “We don’t have to go yet,” Griffin pointed out. “Check out time isn’t until eleven.”

            “I know, but we have to go eventually,” Fallon reminded them. “Why put off the inevitable?”

            Lucian smiled at them. “I wouldn’t mind taking one last walk on the beach and then having some brunch before we head home.”

            Fallon mirrored his expression. That sounded like a great way to cap off the intense week they’d spent together.

            After a final check of the room to make sure they weren’t leaving anything behind, they took the elevator to the lobby. While Griffin waited for the valet to bring the car around so he could load their luggage, Lucian checked out and squared the bill. Griffin was just finishing up when Lucian came through the doors of the hotel to join him and Fallon.

            “Park this again, would you buddy?” Griffin said and tossed the keys back to the valet.

            The valet frowned at him. His frown gave way to an ear to ear smile when Griffin went around to the driver’s side of the car to press a twenty dollar bill into the kid’s palm. Sufficiently persuaded, the teenage boy slid behind the wheel of the expensive sports car while Fallon and her men started in the direction of the beach.

            As usual, the morning air held a chill kept at bay by the demons surrounding her. The early hour and its accompanying chill didn’t stop people from setting up on the beach. Already, families were starting to stake out their spots and arrange their things in a way that suggested they were in it for the long haul of the day. Young women were already spread out on the shore soaking up the first of the sun’s rays despite the goose pimples clear on their bikini clad skin.

            Fallon smiled as she took in the families gathering around them. Some of her best childhood memories included spending lazy summer days at the beach with her parents. Someday she wanted to fashion the same kind of memories for their son. She couldn’t wait for the day when Marshall was old enough to hunker down beside his fathers in the sand to build elaborate castles.

            A soft sigh escaped her as she tightened her hold on the men at either side of her. “There’s something magical about this place,” she murmured as she looked out over the ocean.

            Griffin laughed. “Besides us, you mean?”

            “There has to be,” Fallon insisted. “How else do you explain what happened with us this week?”

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