Chapter 14 ~ Captured

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I walked inside the Guardians home. Anger crawled at my skin being back at this dreadful place. Although my memories were hazy, I remember the cage I was locked in like an animal, awaiting for my fate after they captured me. Before hand, I remember running in the streets, no recollection of my parents or anything for that matter. I still wonder what happened, what my past was really like. 

I walked to Kamijo, head of the council. He looked busy, and I was uneasy about the others capturing me, again. But I was stronger, now that Tsunehito's blood flowed through me, and surely not a child. I wouldn't let them take me easily.

"He's The Vessel." I looked at kamijo with so much regret. I knew I shouldn't of told him this. He has the power to kill Tsunehito. Vessels where forbidden in our world because of how powerful they could make anyone they came in contact with. 

"I don't believe you.." I saw as his brain scattered with thousands of ways to deny what I've just told him. "They've been gone for centuries! How could this happen?"

"It is true and I figured it is what Teru wants." I looked down in thought.

"That doesn't make sense. What would Teru want with The Vessel?" He thinks. "He couldn't be of any use to him."

"His blood." I stressed.

"This doesn't make any sense! A vessel's blood is pure, untainted. What could he want? He isn't like you, he doesn't need the consumption of blood."

"You're missing the point kamijo."

"He wouldn't do anything like that."

"Are you forgetting what he turned into and that he hurt Tsunehito?" I was starting to get angry.

"Asagi, we have him under watch. I was skeptical of him, still am, but I'm under no obligation to yield to your revenge."

I was enraged. "You do not understand, Tsunehito is in danger!"

"If he is a Vessel as you say, then I don't care for what his fate will be." He said simply.

Something is wrong. "Kamijo, what is wrong with you? Why would you have protected Tsunehito, for nothing?"

"I have no clue what you are speaking of." His eyes glinted over, shining a silver as he looked at me, smiling. He was tranced.

Damn. "This was a trick. . ."

I ran from the room quickly. I needed to get to Tsunehito before it was too late! Rage flowed through me in thick waves as I pounded through the Guardians home.



After Asagi left, I promised I would stay here. He looked panicked, but told me not to worry. It doesn't mean that I still was. I paced my room, looking out my window every few minutes to see if he was back. As the moments ticked by, I began to worry more. He said he'd be back, within the hour, but it was over two and I hadn't heard a word.

There was a bang on the front door. For a second I thought it was Asagi, but it couldn't have been him. He could just materialize through the window. The knocks were urgent, and I grabbed a bat that I had in my closet heading for the stairs.

My steps were quiet as I approached the door. My heart raced. Asagi told me to open this door for no one and I told him I wouldn't, but Ruiza's tentative voice rang through the door as he knocked again. he sounded afraid. I knew of the dangers now, knowing of Teru, even Asagi himself and opened the door. I didnt want Ruiza to get hurt, but I was an idiot for doing that as I saw Ruiza's smirk. He laughed in my face with glee, a screeching sound that pierced my ears.

Trust no one. Asagi once told me that with a hard tone. 

"It's so nice of you to open the door for me Tsunehito." His eyes dead and soulless stares in to mine stricken with fear. He reached out a hand. "Come."

My legs unwillingly moved toward him. What was happening?! My body shook with fear as Ruiza's arms encased me in a cold embrace. I fought, but it was useless. "Ruiza let me go! What's gotten into you?!"

He stroked my hair and I tried to hold in my bile. He smelled horrible, like the decaying of bodies in a grave yard. "Master will be so proud of me. I will finally get a reward. I will live." His eyes shined and his mouth opened in a smile full of pride. His breath was rancid, and his teeth yellow and enlongated. I tried to look away. 


My limbs went limp and I didn't understand how or why, but I was completely aware of everything. I was lifted from the ground and my heart raced with so much fear. I had the feeling tonight was my last.

Asagi.. I'm sorry.. 


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I love you guys and thanks for reading! Happy new year!! 2013~!


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