Chapter 16 ~ The War Begins

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The War Begins 



Fear. I haven't felt it in centuries. I felt weak as I stood in front of the Guardian home great doors. I heard the chatter of the council members and it made my skin crawl. The trial.

I knew they blamed me for what happened to my parents and the village so long ago. The burning buildings, my parents being killed, people slaughtering one another. But how could they blame me for the happenings when I had absolutely no recollection of it. I don't even remember what my parents looked like.

The rage that I had for Teru, pushed me forward, my fingers stretched, clenching the grand handle. I had a feeling Teru had a lot to do with the doings long ago. I just had to get the proof.

That would be Tsunehito.

I was risking everything. Walking through these doors could be my doom. They could capture me with struggle, and restrain me, especially now since Kamijo was tranced. This has to work. I took a deep breath and opened the doors, walking into the main room. Gasps broke out throughout the room.

"It's him. . !" One of them whispered.

I couldn't help the smirk that played on my lips. "You all are blind, useless beings." I looked at all of them.

"Is that so." Yuu spoke up. Yuu is the one that should have been the leader of the council. Instead, since Kamijo's father was higher in royalty, leadership was passed to Kamijo.

"Yes," I glared at him. "Do you not see what's happening? Everyone is in danger."

"You are the only danger I see amongst us, Vampire." He growled and rose from his seat.

"Ah, before you consider me a threat, think of the situation before you." I walked closer to them and they shifted away. "Do you think I would come here of my own free will?"

He looked in consideration, "You might seek revenge."

"Revenge is for children."

"Hm..," he watches me suspiciously, "If not revenge, then what is your purpose of risking your life here today."

"Like I said before, we are all in danger." I sigh, getting impatient. "Kamijo, have you really looked at him lately."

Yuu's eyebrows knitted together, "He's come down with a cold and is laying in his chambers."

"He is tranced. It isn't a cold. He's doing what he was told."

"Impossible." Yuu scoffed.

"Would you like me to show you?" I glared.

"We haven't the time for your games, Vampire."

"This is not a game." I walked ignoring the looks I was receiving, searching for Kamijo's chamber.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Like I wanted Yuu followed me.

Finally finding Kamijo's room, with ease I gripped him and yanked him into the light for Yuu to see. "His eyes, look at them."

"This is ridiculous." Even after saying that he did as I said and flipped Kamijo's eyelid, "My God. . ." Kamijo fully opened his eyes looking at us with a blank expression.

"Now you see." I said. "We need him to return."

"Only you can do that, Vampire." He looks from Kamijo to me. "You are the only one who possesses this power."

"I do not glamour.." I said unsure. "I will try."

Pulling Kamijo close I looked into his eyes. I felt the resistance of his mind, the block that was keeping Kamijo from being himself. I pushed past it, breaking the block piece by piece.

Come back to me Kamijo.


I gasped my vision finally returning to me. Being glamoured is like twirling in the black abyss of your own mind. I stared at Asagi, in confusion. What happened in the time I was out?

"You are back." Asagi said softly.

I was surprised to see Yuu beside Asagi. "Kamijo, do you remember anything."

I shook my head. "Nothing but a face." I will get that demon.

Yuu nodded, "I see." He sighed, "Vampire, I owe you. I see that there is something for us all to discuss. Let us gather at the table."

We walked from my chamber to the main corridor. I sat in my place, still exhausted from what happened, but I stuck it out. I was glad I had Yuu.

"We will listen." Yuu spoke as he sat down.

"Tsunehito, he is a vessel." He looked at me.

"Abomination." Yuu said surprised.

I glared, "He can't be. I've been protecting him this whole time and he's shown no sign of-"

"You have never been sexual with him." He cut me off. "Yes, the only way to know if there is a vessel present is if you are intimately close." He raises a brow.

"This is horrible," I looked to Yuu. "What does this mean."

Yuu looked down in thought, "It could mean anything, but Tsunehito is vulnerable, since he doesn't know what he is, someone could take advantage."

"My point exactly, Guardian." Asagi's stare pierced me. "This brings up your brother."

"What of him? He's been in his chamber since the incident." I said.

"Is that so?" Yuu looked confused. "He hasn't been back since then, actually."

I looked down in thought, but something hit me about the time Teru struck out. He.. He had gained more power. Like nothing I've ever seen before.

Asagi sighed, "I think Kamijo has figured it out."

Just then Teru burst into the room throwing a pale Tsunehito to the floor in front of him. "Yes brother, have you figured it out?" He maliciously laughs, his eyes black and life less. "I will kill you all! This power... So much power. This world shall be mine!"

His wings sprouted from his back, black as pitch. He was turning into a feral creature, Like a stone gargoyle turned to life.

Teru, my dear brother, what have you done...


YAY! So just like I promised, I uploaded two chapters today. I hope you like them! 

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