Chapter 1 ~ We Finally Meet

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We Finally Meet



The moon was bright in the night sky. We were on a beach, the waters black and the sand was as soft a velvet beneath me. The wind whipping at my skin was cold, but I was so warm. It was wrong, but this, this was so right. I stared at his pale and beautiful face in the night. His smooth skin was perfect, His hair was as black as the water. 

His midnight eyes searched mine. "Do you want this?" he asked stroking my face, his hands soft.

I moaned as he touched where I needed him most. "Yes." I panted and closed my eyes. 


I awoke moaning in my bed hot and sweaty. I had another dream of this person. He first appeared in my dreams when I was 14. I don't know who he is, and he hasn't returned in my dreams until now. I sat up in bed and wiped the hair away from my eyes, I had to get ready for school. I put on my new dress that was black and red and I left my long red hair down in soft waves. I grabbed the keys off the desk in my room and was out the door before anyone could hear me leave.

Once again I was walking through these halls. I was born in a rich family and walked through the victorious halls of this French school, an all boy Catholic French school; Marymount international. This was my last year, and I was glad to be rid of it and my parents when I graduate.

My parents weren't that good to me. They don't accept me for who I am. My sister Yuuki did, she didn't care what I was, she still loved me for me. As for my brother, he could care less if I was there or not because he wasn't there anyway. I always have to come home looking at my fathers disappointed face and hear my mother's cry's about how this isn't right for the world. I sat down at a desk thinking of my life and waited for the adolescent children to walk through the door, with smiles, not knowing how much of a bore this school really was. The bell sounded and Ruiza, my best friend, entered the room peppy and happy as always.

"What's up Tsunehito?" He asked excitedly.

I gave the best smile I could. "Same old stuff Ruiza." I looked at him and he was the same as always. Medium length blonde hair, the occasional eyeliner, and the nice black nails that he said made him stand out. "How was your summer?"

"It was okay, I guess." He looked away and his smile faded. So did mine.

"What happened?" I asked and patted his back for comfort.

"My dad kicked me out again…" he said, "This time, for real."

I could tell he was angry. He was the same as me, born to a rich family, but unlike me, he didn't follow the rules. I felt bad for him. "You can stay with me and my folks if you want."

Happiness had shown deep in his eyes, "Really?"

"Sure." I smiled.

He clapped his hands together and squealed, "Thanks Nana!"

I flinched at that name. Nana is the nickname he gave me when we first met, he hasn't called me that in a long while, but it was nice to hear it. "You're welcome." I said.

The class started to pile in and I saw kamijo enter the room. He was rustled and and a little rushed. He barely looked at me, but said my name politely and sat down at his seat. I dropped my head into my hands. Kamijo was beautiful, and I made the mistake by hitting on him. From that point he stopped speaking with me, it was because I was gay, I guessed. 

The teacher, Suzuya walked in at that time. "Settle down class." The room grew quiet. "A new student has come here, and I would like you to give him a warm welcome."

My eyes widened as I took in the look of him; long inky black hair, pale, and beautiful. He had the most alluring black eyes.

It couldn't be…

"Class I would like you to meet Asagi." he said.

His black eyes searched the room and finally found mine.

"It's you …" I said on a gasp, he was the one from my dreams. My heart started to race.

"And hello to you too, Tsunehito." He said and smiled.

My hands shook at the sound of my name, and behind me I heard a gasp and a chair screech across the floor. I turned to look, and saw Kamijo standing. His eyes blazed with fury as he looked at Asagi. 

Playing With Fire [AsagixTsunehito][Completed]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat