Chapter 15 ~ Torment

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I knew I was too late by the time I got to Tsunehito's home. His scent was faint in the air and fading fast. I was panicking and slowly filling with anger.

I wanted to go to him, but I couldn't right now. First I need Kamijo back to his senses. He needs to see what his brother is doing and help me stop him. Although the blood running through me is strong, it won't last as long. I sigh as I make my way back to the Guardians home. Even though Tsunehito's scent is fading, the harsh scent of decay thickened the air.

The demon. Ruiza.

With his scent in the air, I'll be able to trace him easily enough, that is, if I can get Kamijo in rights. By then, I'm sure Teru would come to us.

I have to hurry.


My vision was blurry as I opened my eyes. It felt like I had been drugged. My body was weighted and my movements sluggish. I wanted to wipe my eyes, my hands wouldn't move from above my head. It was so hot that my hair stuck to my body and sweat rolled down my sides.

What's going on?..

"Master, he awakes."

I heard a shuffling noise and a blurry figure was shown in front of me, there was no mistaking that it was Teru. "Welcome to my dungeon, Tsunehito."

I wanted to speak, but my mouth was so dry. At least my vision was returning. I looked around at my surroundings, finding myself chained against a wall. I was stripped of all my clothing, revealingly myself to Teru and Ruiza. I attempted to cover myself, but Teru had other ideas.

He kneeled before me and spread me open with a light chuckle, "Shy now?" His hands slid down my body and I tried to snatch my body away, only to slam into a brick wall knocking the air out of myself.

"You have no where to go, love." He said calmly. "But if you let me do what I want I'll give you a reward."

R-Reward. . . .? What was this?!

"Ruiza get out." He said sternly.

Ruiza looked dumbstruck, "B-But.."

"Out!" Teru said enraged.

As Ruiza scrambled away, Teru grabbed me by my chin. I jerked away and he smacked me. Weak, I cooperated letting him grab my chin again making me look up at him. "You will do as I say."

I looked up at him letting the anger show in my gaze and he laughed. He pulled my chains making me hang in the air slightly against the wall. My legs were too weak to support my body weight.

"You're power will be mine, Tsunehito." He gripped me firmly, and I bit my lip keeping myself from moaning.

I didn't want this, I don't have any powers..!

"I will take you to them, Vessel," he whispered in my ear. "And I will make all of them watch me as I defile you, take your power as mine, then kill you."


I bit my lip hard. I couldn't help my reactions to what he was doing to me and soon my body shuddered from release.

"Heh. . ." He smirked as I panted and fell limp in my chains. "I can already feel myself becoming stronger." He let my chains loose and I fell to the floor, my face hitting the ground harshly, "Your reward."

I looked up at him with tired eyes and I felt something against my lips. He was giving me water. "Drink."

I drank, drank so ravenously. "Don't make a mess." I swallowed slowly, savoring. "That's it. . ." He smirks, "You're a good pet."

Too soon he took the bottle away, and I lay on the ground lethargic. He walked from the room laughing to himself most likely satisfied. I heard the bars clanging shut, and I was in darkness, locked. My eyes slid closed and I felt hot tears run down my face.

"Help. . ."

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