chapter 4

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Percy p.o.v.

  Her eyes landed on me and they widened in surprise. She rushed over and threw her arms around me.  "I thought you were gone forever. " she cried. I wrapped my arms around her. I laughed at her reaction. "Yeah Chaos gave me one last chance."

     "Then thank Chaos. I don't know what I'd do without you." I pulled away and held her at arms length. I gave her a funny look and said. "If I didnt know any better I would have thought that you the maiden goddess Artemis actually cared for me."

      She gave me a funny look back and punched my arm playfully. "Of course I care about you. I gotta save the last respectable man on Earth and you my gaurdian." I was actually a little hurt she said she only cared for me because I was her guardian but I just gave her a smile.

     "We should probably get Thalia and Phoebe they'll be mad if they find out I'm alive and we didnt tell them." "Yeah come on." She said.

      Artemis p.o.v.

Telling Percy that I only cared for him as a guardian hurt me because I had to lie about my feelings. But what hurt more was that he didnt even looked hurt that I said I don't even care about him as a friend. I guess he didnt feel the same about me.

    I guess I would just have to act a like I didnt care for him except as a gaurdian. It would pain me but I was a maiden goddess and am not aloud to like a man.

After we contacted the hunters and they all came back to our camp it was like the whole thing never happened. They still pranked him but to prove I didnt have feelings for him I didnt yell at them so much about it.


     Me, Thalia, Phoebe and Percy were walking through the woods looking for monsters when a manticore jumped out. We pulled out our bows while Percy uncapped Riptide. I leaped into action. I fired an arrow at it but it was blocked by the tail. "You won't kill me that easily." It said. Percy charged it and started swinging his sword fighting it.

     Phoebe snuck up behind the manticore and was going to shoot and arrow at it but just then It swung around and hit Phoebe with ot tail and sent her flying into a tree. She slid to the ground and her head lolled forward and she didnt get up. I yelled in outrage. And with out warning me Thalia and Percy all attacked at once .

      It couldn't block them all and he burst into gold dust. But our victory was short lived as we all rushed over to Phoebe. We all kneeled next to her on the ground. I force fed her a piece of ambrosia to help with the wounds

    "Is she gonna be okay Milady?" Thalia asked. I looked over phoebe. She was hurt pretty bad. She had a few deep gashes in her stomach from where the manticores tail had hit her, she also had lots of scratches all over from where she hit the tree, and she had a big knot on her head which was turing purple. But the ambrosia was already working and you could see some of the wounds already staring to heal. I sighed with relief.  "Yes she should be fine."

    "Good" Percy said from beside me. But when he said that my relief from her going to be okay turned to anger from her getting hurt at all, and all that anger got aimed toward Percy.

     "This is your fault." I yelled at Percy.  He looked at me shocked.  "My fault? How?" "Your the gaurdian you are supposed to protect us and look at phoebe." "I tried but-" he started but I cut him off. "Trying isn't good enough. You have to do it not just try.  You shouldn't even be our gaurdian. I only let you because you saved phoebe and I knew Annabeth had just broken your heart. Now I regret that decision.  I wish Chaos had never given you your life back, I wish you had died in that canyon!" I snapped with out thinking.

  Thalias eyes widened in shock and then mine did after I realized what I said. I looked at percy. His eyes went from shock to hurt to finally staying on a cold angry closed off expression.  "Percy i-" I started to say but he cut me off.

      "No," he said, " I understand. Ill just leave. But just know I'm very angry with you.  I never meant for her to get hurt; i would never want her to get hurt, i wouldnt want any of the hunters to get hurt, no matter how much they prank me. So I'm leaving. You won't find me in either camp. Im leaving for the mortal world. Im going to go ask my dad to remove my powers and I'm moving to Alaska, the land beyond the gods. Because it wasn't Annabeth that broke me, it was you. I thought you actually cared for me; I guess I shouldn't have been so naive I mean your a cold hearted maiden goddess who despises men. I should've known better I guess I was just blinded by heart break. So don't even bother telling any one its not like they'd care." With that he got up and sprinted off into the forest.

    I was in a sad daze until Thalia speaking snapped me out of it. "That was harsh. And Im disappointed in you. For being a trained hunter that can hear or see anything far away you really are blind. He actually liked you, he trusted you, he respected you, I wouldn't be surprised if he even maybe loved you. But then you go and blame him for the hurt of his friend something his fatal flaw makes him never want to do. And saying you wish he had died. That was uncalled for and I don't blame him for his reaction." She said.

    Then she stood up and hoisted Phoebe up on her shoulders and walked off leaving me kneeling alone in the middle of the forest feeling dread and sadness fill my body.

Percy p.o.v.

As I ran away through the woods I felt my eyes fill with water blurring my vision. I wiped them away furiously mad at myself for being sad about Artemis.

   I finally  reached the edge of the woods. I used my powers one last time to make mist. I threw a dracma in and said "Oh fleece do me a solid and show my Lord Poseidon Mount Olympus." (If think that's it if not tell me) The mist simmered and then Poseidon appeared sitting on his throne reading a fishing magazine. I would've laughed if not for the circumstances I was calling under.

     "Hey dad." I said. He finally looked up and started to smile at me till he saw my sad face. "Are you ok son?" He asked. I shook my head no. "Can you flash me to you? Please?" I asked weekly. He didnt answer but I was suddenly in the throne room but only my dad was there.

  He stepped of his throne and walked towards me while changing into him an size. "Whats wrong?" He asked gently. This was one reason I liked having Poseidon as my dad he was more gentle and caring than some of the other gods. But even still I didnt feel like talking about it.

        So instead I just weakly said "Can you remove my powers?" "Why?" He said shocked. But I just shook my head and quietly said "Please?" He looked sad but he just said "If this is  what you really want then yes I will." I just nodded my head yes. I heard him sigh and I felt him but if hand on my forehead and say out loud "I Poseidon Lord of the Seas he by take away Percy Jackson's powers." I felt myself get weaker. He took his hand away from my head.

      "You are no longer officially my son or a demigod so no monsters shouldn't attack you anymore, but if you are ever in need of something please contact me." I nodded again. He pulled me in for one last hug which I gladly returned. "Ill  flash you to the door." I nimbly nodded and then I walked standing in the lobby of the Empire State building.  I walked over to the desk. I took Riptide out of my pocket and gave it to the guy who had been behind that desk as long as I could remember.  I handed it to him. "Give this yo Lord Poseidon. " I said. For once he didnt try to deny the gods he just nodded.

       With that I walked out the doors and breathed in the fimiliar sent of New York and decided to go by my moms before I left. I started walking towards her house turning my back to the Empire State building, Olympus,  and my old life.


Ok guys there's another one. Since I've posted two this weem I don't know if ill publish one on Sunday but since I didnt post for a really long time I might. Tell me what you guys think and what you would like to see happen to Percy.

See you in the after life


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