Chapter 3

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Ok don't kill me I had made a new account and hadn't been on this one so I didnt know so many people liked it. Once again I am so sorry now that I know I will try to update regularly at least I will try. I try and go for every Wednesday or every Wednesday and Sunday. Im so so sorry. And for those of you still reading this thank you so much I love you.

Percy p.o.v.

I was in the forest hunting for dinner. I was stalking a herd of deer that were grazing on the grass. I looked at them and thought of Artemis.How like theses deer she could be gentle and adorable but she could also be dangerous and fierce. I was broken out of my thoughts when a twig snapped even though i hadn't made the slightest movement. The deers heads lifted and there eyes went wide with fear. They started running but i was determined not to lose them so i ran after them.

They eventually stopped in another grassy area. I was hiding behind some trees around the area when all of a sudden a baby flew out of the trees over across the field. Why a baby was in the forest being thrown i didnt have time to consider. I just ran across the field scaring away the deer but i was focused on the baby. The baby had passed through the tree line. I ran right through the trees. What i didnt stop to consider what was behind the trees. I ran through the trees and could no longer feel the ground. Now this isnt like a cartoon where i just kept running in the air or i didnt fall right away. Nope I immediately fell. I saw the baby not to far ahead. I reached forward and grabbed it. I saw a lake at the bottom of the canyon so i knew i would be okay. I aimed to fall there. I finally looked down at the baby. What surprised me was that it wasnt a baby but only a baby doll. The hunters i thought disgustedly.

After all i have done for them. Protect them, get them food, do their chores all so they might like me. I would have left weeks ago if it hadnt been for Artemis. I finally admitted to myself that i liked her. But i would keep it to myself i wouldnt be like Orion.

I looked back down and realized that what i thought had been a lake wasnt a lake at all but a blue cabin. It had been small when i had first noticed it but i had thought that the it just looked small because i was far away. But there was no lake. I was going to die. I was plummeting at 60mph and i was going to hit the ground. I tried to veer away from the cabin just incase some one was in there.

I looked down at the ground that was coming closer and closer till BOOM! I screamed a blood curtailing scream as All i felt was a pain in my neck.

Artemis P.O.V.

I was waiting for percy to come back. He had gone out hunting so that maybe the girls would start to like him. Again. I dont see why the girls didn't like him. He was the only decent male. And he was cute, funny, charming, sweet- dang it! I found myself thinking about percy more and more these days.

I finally admitted it to myself. I like Percy Jackson. I would just have to hide it. I wouldn't break my oath and i wouldnt let this become another Orion situation.

My thoughts were interrupted when all of the hunters except Thalia and Phoebe came walking back into the clearing laughing. "Whats so funny?" I asked. I was suspicious they only laughed like this when they pulled a prank on percy. And still they never laughed this hard.

Immediately they all quieted down. "Nothing my lady" they said. Right then i heard a horrible scream. It was distant but i could tell it was only because the person was far away.

"Thalia Phoebe!" I called they came out of the tent "someone needs our help. Lets go." Thewhole way the other hunters were protesting that only made me more nervous. We finally reached the spot were the the scream had come from. I looked around but saw nothing but a canyon. It wasnt till i looked in the canyon when i saw the mangled body of percy jackson lying on the canyon floor. a sob/scream escaped from my mouth. All the hunters rushed over. They asked what was wrong but i couldnt speak so i just pointed. Thalia let out a sob while Phoebe muttered no over and over. The rest of the hunters started laughing. "We got rid of him for good this time my lady." I finally got my voice. "You did this! All he ever did was protect you. And now you have killed the only decent man on this earth. Thalia Phoebe deal with them i have to go to percy.

I flashed down to were percy was. I could hear thalia and Phoebe yelling at them but all i processed was that percys neck was bent at a weird angle and that he was lying in a pool of his own blood.

I called called apollo hoping he could heal him. When he got there he immediately set to work. But finally he quit trying. "I am sorry there is nothing i can do. He has been bleeding for to long. And dirt has gotten into the wounds infecting them." Another strangled sob escaped my lips. He put his hand on my shoulder before flashing away.

Percys eyes flittered open for a brief second. "Artemis" his voice was raspy. I gasped he smiled and said "not a great death i know. Savior of olympus falls off a canyon." He said trying to make a joke but just ended coughing up blood. I cupped his face. "You are not dying on me not now." But his eyes closed and he took a last shuddering breath and said something barley audible but i caught. "Ill miss you" he whispered before he went completely limp in my arms.

I couldnt keep it in anymore I was now full on sobbing and i couldnt stop. Suddenly there was a hand on my shoulder i looked up to see Phoebe her face just as tear stained as hers and next to her was thalia leaning against her crying. I pulled them to to her for a hug. We sat like that for about 10 minutes.

I finally got control of her sadness and it was instantly changed into rage. I flashed all three of us up back to where the other hunters were. When we got there I saw that they all had burn marks from where Thalia had struck them with lightning. I smiled at this but then growled at them.

"You KILLED him! Was this what you wanted! To kill an innocent! I realize you have all had bad pasts with men but you pledged to help protect people and you just killed one of they only if not the only decent male on Earth." They all stared at my rage filled face.

"My lady I-" one started to say but I cut her off. "No, you don't deserve to speak. All of you will go to camp Half-Blood. You will cause no sort of trouble you will not participate in any camp activities and you will take over all the campers chores. Thalia Phoebe you will go to make sure they do that but you two may do whatever you like seeing as you weren't part of the savior of Olympuses murder."

None of them dared to groan in protest. "Now go" I snapped ," I cant stand the sight of you."

Percy p.o.v.

Once again I opened my eyes in the DOA studios. "Really your here again?" I heard Charon ask. I sighed. "Yeah" "well once again I cant allow you to pass into the underworld. You have a meeting with Lord Chaos."

I stuttered. "L-l-lord C-chaos. As in the creator of the Universe." There was a deep chuckle behind me. "Yeah as in the creator of the universe." I spun around to see a tall man with a tanned complexion. He wore a suit like hades except instead of souls in it it had galaxies floating around.

I keeled. "No need for that." I stood up slowly. "I have been watching you Percy and you didnt deserve what you got so I'm going to give you one more chance at life but that's it the fates are already angry at me for interfering."

I smiled so big I thought my face would explode. And then I did the thing he least expected. I ran up and hugged the creator of the universe. He laughed and hugged me back.

"Now go gr8 back to your girl." He said with a wink and I blushed bright red as I felt myself being transported. The I stood at the bottom of a canyon. And there in front of me was beautiful Artemis crying over my mangled body. But as soon as I arrived the body vanished. She gasped and whipped her head around until her big red puffy beautiful silver eyes landed on me.

There chapter 3 once again so so sorry. Remember ill try to update once or twice a week now.
If you have any suggestions or anything feel free to tell me.

See you in the after life

Peritemis i  hate you but im still into youWhere stories live. Discover now