chapter 5

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Percy P.O.V.

     I walked along the New York streets towards my mom and Paul's house. It was lightly raining outside and for once, just like everyone else, I was getting wet. But for once I walked on without the fear of monsters attacking me and I didnt ever have to look over my shoulders and keep my guard up. Thats one good thing to come of this I thought bitterly.

    Finally I reached my moms apartment. I walked up the stairs until I reached their door. Hesitantly I reached up and knocked on the door. Almost as soon as I put my hand back by my side the door swung open and there stood my mom with oven mitts on a tray of fresh blue cookies. No matter how sad I was that didn't stop me from reaching out and grabbing a cookie of the tray and putting it in my mouth.

    "Percy. Come in. I missed you." My mom said while setting the tray down and giving me a hug. I hugged her back and buried my head in her hair. "Percy," my mom started slowly, "what's wrong." She finished softly. But before I could finish Paul came from down the hallway. "Who was at the door Sally?" He asked but stopped when he saw me. He smiled at me and I returned it with a watery one of my own.

      His smile fell away. "Whats wrong." He asked. "We may as well sit down. This will probably take awhile." So I told them everything. Through out tje story their faces went from sad, to shocked, to angry. Especially at the part about me dying in the canyon and then Artemis yelling at me. Both their faces were filled with shock as I told them about me techniqunly not being a demigods anymore.

     "Oh honey I'm so sorry." She said after I finished. Paul just looked mad. "How could they do that to you." He exclaimed. I just shrugged sadly.  "Honey look on the bright side. Your 18 and now you dont have to worry about any of that. You can start a new life for yourself. Make your self happy doing what you want." I smiled weakly at her.

      "Yeah. I thought about that. I thought about going to Alaska, you know the land beyond the gods. Ill be rid of them for good there." She just nodded and while with one hand she was holding hands with Paul the other she put on my shoulder. "You know we will support you no matter what."

I sighed "Thanks. Just remember though, dont tell any one." "I won't. Now before you go have some cookies." So I grabbed a cookie and kissed my mom on the cheek and gave Paul a handshake.

    I closed the door behind me. I leaned against it for awhile before pushing myself up and walking out of the apartment building. I headed towards the airport. Now that Im not a demigod Zeus has no reason to blast me out of the sky. Here I come Alaska.

Artemis p.o.v.

As I sat on the leaf covered ground my sadness slipped away and was replaced with forced madness. This is all his fault. He is the guardian. He was supposed to protect her. Get over him! You have a duty to do! He will never forgive you, your a maiden goddess anyway.  This made me feel better so I stood up and looked around. It was starting to get dark so I would have to rise the moon soon. I summoned my moon chariot pulled by four, blessed, wolves. ((I just made that up )) I didnt really feel like pulling the moon tonight so I just to do  them to do it on their own. They took of and I turned back and started heading towards the camp.

       When I got there all the hunters except Thalia and Phoebe were standing there waiting with hopeful expressions. "Is it true Milady? Is the boy truly gone?" An hunter named Mary asked. The others looked at me hopefully.  I wanted to yell at them for being so happy about him being gone but then I thought Come on Artemis get over him! So instead of yelling at them I just smiled and said "We are once again boy free." The all threw their arms up and cheered. 

Peritemis i  hate you but im still into youDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora