Chapter 1

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Disclaimer i dont own anything all characters belong to rick riordan

Percy P.O.V
I was in the woods running away from camp.i know what your thinking why would the savior of olympus, camp hero run away from camp? The only answer i can give you is only one word. Annabeth. She took my heart and stomped on it. I know it sounds a little dramatic but its true. I cant stop thinking about it and i couldnt stand staying there with her around after what happened.

~flash back~

I was sitting on the beach waiting for Annabeth. We had planned to have a picnic here. She was 10 minutes late so i decided to go get her. I went to her cabin and heard whispering. I looked through the window and saw Annabeth and Lucas soolus (sue-lus) both sitting on her bed whispering. "When are you gonna break up with him?" "I dont know maybe tonight" that broke my heart. I went back to the door and opened it. "Why Annabeth? Why would you do this to me?" "She walked over put her hands on my shoulders and said "because the spark between us is gone. I just dont feel the same about you anymore. Im sorry were through" Then as gentle as she could she pushed me out of the door way and closed the door. I stood there for probably about 5 minutes. Then i hung my head and walked to my cabin. I wasnt angry no matter what Annabeth did to me i couldnt be mad at her not after all we've been through. But i couldnt stand to be here with her while she was happy with another guy so i took a backpack stuffed it with extra clothes, necter, ambrosia, and a flash light. I put riptide in my pocket and left.

~end flashback~

It still hurt and i was just about to sit down and weep again when i heard a scream from somewhere close by. I started running to see what was going on. And what i saw shocked me. Literally. I had run into a clearing where the noise was coming from and right away i got a powerful electric shock. It blew me back 10 feet. "Percy?! Oh my gods i thought you were a monster!" I opened my eyes to see Thalia leaning over me. "Hey Thals was that you screaming?" "No. But you can help me save who is." She grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards the other side of the clearing were i saw a girl holding a bow pointed at the edge of the tree line. We stopped next to her and i realized it was Phoebe another hunter. "What are you aiming at?" I asked her. "What are you doing here boy?" She said boy so venomously i backed up ever so slightly. "Phoebe he is here to help." Thalia said. "Fine. We are fighting a scorpion" (is that what they are called in percy jackson and the lightning thief ?) that brought back the memories of the time i found out Luke was a traitor and he tried to kill me by poisoning me with ones venom. "Why dont you just shoot?" Because they are incredibly fast for its size and very poisonous and i dont want to be poisoned." I watched as she took aim ready to kill it but right at the last second it jumped but before it could reach her i swatted it out of the air with my hand and Phoebe shot it while it was dazed. "Thank you she said. I dont know anyone else who would take the chance of being poisoned to save someone else. You have my respect . "Thank you." I started feeling dizzy and weak at the knees. I looked at the arm i had swatted it out of the air with and sure enough there on my arm was a bite mark. My knees finally gave out and i fell on the ground. i heard phoebe and Thalia yell my name. I felt them shake me but the nosie was getting fainter and fainter before all i could see was black and everything was quiet.

Theres the first chapter i hoped you liked it
See You in the after life

Peritemis i  hate you but im still into youWhere stories live. Discover now