Conner Meets Erik

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Just letting you guys know there is a part in here that gets really steamy, so if you are uncomfortable with it, just skip past it.

Alice’s POV

We froze, knowing there was nowhere to run. My head felt dizzy all of a sudden as grief overcame me. I’m going to lose him again. It was dead silent as we all stared at each other.

“I…” I tried to make words but nothing came out. The room felt 20 degrees lower.

“Oh my god…” Conner breathed out of his mouth after what felt like an eternity, but really was only about four seconds.

“Conner I can explain-“I started.

“That was so beautiful.” He still had this dazed look in his eyes, like he was somewhere else in the world. “You must be the Phantom!” He threw the papers on my desk and walked over to Erik, who had been deathly quiet this entire time. A choked sound came out of my mouth. This was it. He was going to be taken away from me, or he was going to run and never come back. I will be alone again in this huge opera house with no one to sing to.

“Yes.” Erik said calmly, surprisingly enough. I whipped my head around to look at him. He had no emotions on his face, blocking everyone out like usual.

“I was wondering when I would finally meet you! Alice has the entire cast already, so whenever she didn’t accept any of the people auditioning for the Phantom I was beginning to worry! Wow! You even have your costume on and everything!” He exclaimed, looking Erik up and down.

Confusion clouded my mind. He thought Erik was an actor? “Yes! That’s who he is! The actor!” I said, clapping my hands together. “Yes, well he just came to audition and I knew he was the one.” I looked over at my eyes met with Erik’s. “Something in me just knew he was mines. Uh my actor I mean.” I quickly looked away from his intimidating gaze, my face flushing red.

Conner’s grin grew even wider as he looked between us. “It’s so great to finally meet you Mr.…” He trailed off waiting for Erik to respond. When he didn’t I jabbed my elbow in his side.

“Oh! Erik. My name is Erik. Hello.” He nodded his head at Conner, who was now bouncing with excitement.

“That was so amazing you two. You two will be perfect together onstage. I’m still a little dazed at that performance.” We just awkwardly smiled at him. I scratched the back of my head. “You guys, I mean it. I’ve never heard someone sing so… magically. It was like I was in some other place or something- okay now I’m just starting to freak you guys out.” He laughed and we awkwardly laughed along. He looked again at Erik. “Dude that mask is amazing! You mind if I see it?” He asked, starting to reach for his mask.

“No!” Erik boomed, jumping away from his hands.

Conner jumped and his hand fell limply at his side. “Sorry dude I didn’t mean to push the boundaries. Just a touchy guy.”

Erik coughed. “No I should not have reacted that way. I apologize.”

Suddenly Conner was back to being his normal bubbly self. “It’s all cool, dude! Anyways, nice to meet you again.” He turned to me and pointed to the stack of papers on my desk. “See those?” I nodded. “Those are the ticket request forms for opening night.”

I gasped. “Are you kidding me?!” I ran up to the desk and shuffled through the papers. “There has to be a thousand here!”

“1,304. We’ve opened the tickets for about an hour and a half now and we’ve already filled up a third of the theatre. Not including the other nights as well.” He walked over to where I stood and sat on top of my desk.

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