First Rehearsal

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Hey everyone! I've been gone for way too long. I'm not gonna say why, but things were rough on my end. Hopefully I can start updating for regularly.
I looooove hearing what you guys have to say about the story so far! I really just makes me ecstatic! I appreciate every single word you guys have to say and I can't thank you enough. 14K reads on The Phantom's Admirer!!!! You guys ROCK!!! I couldn't have made it this far without all of you. If you ae any ideas to throw my way, or see any errors, please feel free to tell me!
Side note: I'm about to start working on a new story. Nothing about the Phantom, but about a girl who finds out she has a life threatening disease and changes her life around, and many others. If some of you could inbox me if you have the time so I can talk to yall about it, please do! I need to know if anybody would read it before posting it.
Okay, end rant. Back to Alice and Erik!
Alice's POV

"Hello everyone and welcome to the Opera Populaire!" Cheers erupted in the house. "I love to see how excited everyone is! Well I want to personally thank everyone one of you who came and auditioned for your roles. It took many days, but every one of you sitting there is the best of the best. First, how about we all gather onstage to introduce ourselves, say something about us, and say our part!" People started to slowly gather onstage around a he table we placed with tons of chairs. There wasn't enough chairs, so a few sat on the ground, not complaining.

"I'll start." I said to everyone. I quickly looked around to make sure everyone was here and smiled at all the excited faces. Inside I was frowning. Erik hasn't shown up yet. "Well, my name is Alice DeLaney, I'm the co-owner of the opera house and I am also playing Christine. Something interesting would be..." I thought for a quick second. "Oh! I know sign language!"

People all said hello and started down the table saying their names and something about them. We had a pretty big cast. Around 80 people. Not including the stage hands and janitors and others. The managers introduced themselves and so did the director. I made a note that from now on I'll let them be in charge of what goes on onstage. People started to whisper to each other and I knew why. We were all waiting for Erik.  Instantly my demeanor changed from happy and optimistic, to just straight pissed off. He promised me! I was about to storm out of the room and go chew him out, when everything suddenly went quiet.

Erik was leaning against a railing, almost hidden in the shadows. "My name is Erik. I am the Phantom." His voice was low and controlled the room. Everyone was drinking him in. He wore the clothes I gave him, which made me warm on the inside. He had on some dark blue jeans and a hoodie, which the hood was on, covering his face that he kept hidden from sight.

"Now tell us something about yourself, Mr. Mysterious." A dancer purred out to him. I inwardly rolled my eyes. Girls think they can get any guy they want because of their slim figure and pretty face.
All eyes were on him still. Just his presence controlled everyone in the room. He stayed silent. 

Knowing he wouldn't speak up, I gave a quick look to the director, Perry, that said to get started. He clapped his hands together. "Right then! Everyone gather their scripts and we will read through the show. If you can all follow me to the piano to get started..." He got up from his chair and everyone followed him to the grand piano that we placed on the side of the stage. I walked with Conner and Erik. Conner was here to watch everyone. We have gotten pretty close over the past few months. Like a brother I never had.

Slowly we dragged through the show, and when Erik's first part was coming up, everyone was paying close attention. Vincent, the guy playing Raoul, and I were doing our first lines together and I could see Erik next to me clench up with anger. I put my and on his arm for a few seconds to calm him down and let him know that it was just a show. He relaxed a little bit.

"Insolent boy this slave of fashion, basking in your glory! Ignorant FOOL this brave young suitor, sharing in my triumph!" He bellowed out and everyone was under his spell already.

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