Box Five

830 41 38

Alice's POV

We were in the middle of the second month of working. My workers weren't picking up the pace like I wanted to, so I decided to work along with them. The new flooring was now placed in the main theatre and all that's left is to put in the new seats and do the electric wiring for the lights.

Conner wiped sweat from his brow. "Man, who new screwing in chairs would be so back breaking."

"Hey we don't want to know about your personal life man!" A voice screamed from across the room that was followed with a chorus of laughter.

"Oh shut up guys you know what I mean!" He said angrily, but laughed anyways. "Hey Alice, you know you can take a break. This is hard work, you know lugging in all these chairs one by one."

I looked up at him from my lying position on the ground, screwing the bolts in a chair. "Uh, no way Conner. I'm not gonna sit back and let you guys have all the fun."

He shrugged. "I knew you would say that. I don't know why I bother asking anymore."

"Well we only have around ten left so it shouldn't be that hard. Then everyone can leave for the day." That seemed to catch everyone attention, so everyone dropped what thye were doing and ran to grab a chair and install it. I stood up and folded my arms. "Wow. I  feel so powerful right now." The corners of my lips turned into a small smile.

Some movement upstairs where the boxes caught my eye. I quickly looked to box five. "Okay! Who is up there? I told them that the boxes were for me only!" I yelled at the crew. Erik made it very clear that he didn't want ANYONE there until it was finished. Especially box five.

"We didn't see anybody go up there, Alice." One of the men said.

"I swear I saw someone. I KNOW YOU'RE UP THERE! I'LL BE PISSED WHEN I FIND OUT WHO YOUR ARE!" I yelled up at the boxes.

"What if it's the opera ghost?" A voice said.

"You know I did lose some power tools the other day!" Another said.

"And I swore I saw a man in the hallways by the stage yesterday!" Someone else said.

"Oh please, you guys don't really believe in the Opera Ghost do you?" They started to whisper and look around at each other, waiting for someone to say yes. "It's just a story! No man could live that long."

"That's why he's the Opera Ghost not the 'Opera Man who Lives for Years to Torment Workers'." Conner said, which earned him a few laughs.

"Well, I certainly don't believe in any of that garbage, so you got one sane worker, Miss Alice!" A man with a pot belly said.

"Good to know. You might just be getting a raise then." I said to him.

"Wait a minute, I don't either!"

"Me either!"

That started the whole room to fill up with people saying they don't believe in the Opera Ghost. Good. The less they know, the better.

"Oh whatever! Half of you totally believe in him!" I laughed. "Come on guys, ya'll finish up while I go find the idiot roaming upstairs. I want to stop working to for today!" They started to work again, some of them even telling rediculous stories about Erik.

"You need a body gaurd up there, Alice? What if it's just a homeless person?" Conner jogged over to me saying.

"Well if it is then I'm sure I can find a room for them and give them a nice meal for the night. To answer your question, no, thank you. I'm fnie going alone. I'm not scared like you are." I jokingly punched his sholder.

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