Chapter 13: Mental Reset (Part 1)

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Chapter 13: Mental Reset

"From you?" Roschelle asks, bursting out laughing. "I want nothing. But from her," she says, pointing at Diane, "I want another chance to fight with her. I've heard she's grown stronger, but I don't believe unless I have proof."
"Well, I'm sorry to tell you that you won't be getting anything from us," I answer her coldly.
"Why don't you let her decide?" Roschelle suggests.
"Because if she's in danger, I will never let-" I start, but Diane cuts me off.
"Let me decide," Diane whispers to me.
"But you know what she can do," I tell her.
"Exactly, I know what she can do. Besides, I've grown stronger, and I can take advantage from that. I wasn't so far off last time from winning," Diane replies.
I can notice a soft glint coming from her eyes. They demand death, bloodlust, and revenge. "Okay, I'll let you," I reply to Diane, whispering so only she can hear me.
"But if something happens and she needs saving, I won't hesitate on breaking the fight, you hear me?" I shout at Roschelle.
"If she truly is as strong I've heard she is, then I might be the one who needs saving," Roschelle answers.
"What do you mean you've heard she's strong? Who's told you that?" I ask, bewildered.
"One Outsider from among your ranks isn't who he says he is," Roschelle says mystically.
"What do you mean?" I demand.
"Let's get fighting," Roschelle says, avoiding my question.
Diane steps up front, and suddenly a giant, thick ice wall sprouts from the ground. I am taken aback, and before I can react, there is not escape from the circus tent, because the ice wall keeps growing around us and encircles us, trapping us in. Diane turns around, staring at us, eyes wide in terror.
Just like last time, she tells me telepathically.
As soon as she says it, Roschelle sends a waft of ice flying at Diane. Watch out! I warn Diane telepathically.
I tell her a bit too late, and the waft of ice catches Diane off balance as she's turning around to look back at Roschelle. Diane flies and crashes against the ice wall. She falls and stays there for a couple of seconds. Then, she starts moving. I can notice that her eyes are closed, and then, she slowly opens them.
Even when she had her eyes closed, I knew that her powers were truly activating this time. I knew that her powers were bursting and her true powerful self had burned into existence.
She stands up and opens her eyes completely, staring at Roschelle. She glows red and blue. It's not really purple, but red and blue. Fire and water clashing. That's what it looks like.
She inhales, and as she exhales, the ice around her melts and fire bursts at Roschelle's feet. Then, a blast of water knocks Roschelle from her feet and she is sent flying backwards, crashing against the ice behind her. Diane transforms the ice behind Roschelle into water, and then she encases Roschelle in it. I can hear a sizzling sound, and I can see Roschelle squirming in the water. Diane must be making the water boil, trying to kill Roschelle.
Diane, slow down, I warn her.
She seems to be burning up in rage, because then Diane starts walking toward Roschelle. She grabs her by her neck and flings her down to the ground. Then, she brings a fist down to Roschelle's face once... twice... thrice... and then a fourth time. Just as she raises her fist to land a fifth blow on Roschelle, Roschelle kicks Diane's legs, making Diane fall and hit her head on the ground. Diane shouts in pain, and Roschelle quickly jumps on top of Diane. She starts punching her face repeatedly, leaving Diane helpless. Then, Roschelle stands up, she produces a sharp, thin ice sword from the air, and I can see her intention.
"I have to save her," I quickly tell the other Outsiders with us. "Grindel, come with me. I might need your help in this one. Everyone else, try breaking the ice wall if you can."
Grindel seems to understand me, because he teleports along with me. We appear just outside the ice wall.
Roschelle brings the sword upward, and she starts swinging it downward, intent on killing Diane, one hand swinging downwards while the other holds Diane back. I teleport as fast as I can, transforming my father's ring into a sword.
As Roschelle's sword is about to kill Diane, I slash my sword.
Roschelle's look is triumphant at first, but she rapidly senses that something is wrong, because Diane is still alive. The hand grasping Diane starts trembling, and then she looks at her other hand. When she finds nothing more than a bloody stump, she releases a violent scream.
"I warned you," I mutter coldly.
Roschelle's eyes turn to me, and she inspects me with a shaky look. Then, she attempts to run at me and grab me, but I sidestep and she falls. She starts wailing on the ground.
I can hear a shattering sound behind us, and when I turn to look I see Hansel holding his left hand up in the air. He retrieves his hand, and everyone bursts out from behind the wall.
I look at Roschelle, and she seems to have decided to sit. She stares at the ground. I lower my bloodied sword, and lift Roschelle's face with it. She stares at me, and I can notice that she's nervous and scared. I force her to stand up, and she keeps staring at me.
"And now, I think it's time for you to leave us alone," I mutter behind gritted teeth.
I raise my sword, about to kill her, but she suddenly takes a few steps backward waves a white cape she wears on her back and a blast of snow surges from thin air. I try to cover the snow from my eyes with my arms.
When the snow has settled down, I take my arms away from my eyes. I search for Roschelle with my eyes, but I can't seem to find her. Deep down inside me, I know that Roschelle is gone.

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