Chapter 17: When the War Rages (Part 2)

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We teleport back to the Hospital.
What does Uncle Logan mean?
He simply strolls down the hall, away from me, an expression full of disappointment plastered on his face. I look at him, but then someone jumps on top of me. When I turn around, I find that it's Maia. She starts laughing madly and sits on the floor, her wall pressed against the wall behind her. I crouch and sit beside her.
"Is everything okay?" I ask, trying to keep my face straight, but her laugh is way too contagious, and I burst into laughter not long after.
"Yeah, everything's okay. Just wanted to do that,"Maia replies after a while, once she has managed to calm herself down a bit.
"So, how's everything doing?" I ask, changing the topic for a while, since we haven't had a normal talk since the day we all moved together and had the circus done.
"It's been okay. Missing Hansel, missing my family... And, also, wondering about what the hell I'm going to do when the war starts," she replies.
So apparently, this has become our lives. We can't even hold a normal conversation for once. Oh, well... It was to be expected.
"Well,all I know is that war is starting soon enough. Don't exactly know when, but it will come."I stare into her eyes, searching for answers that I know I won't find.
"Really? How do you know?"
"Well, Narcissus kinda told me that it was my fault the war had started, because it was officially an all-out war between the Outsiders and the Corporeal Hybrids from the moment when we snuck up on the Hybrid's building and killed one of the leaders. So... yeah..."
"Oh, crap. Well, John, you already know that no matter what happens, I'll always be here for you. We came into this war together, and we'll end it together."
"Thanks, Maia. I'll remember it when the time comes."
I stand up and offer her my hand so I can lift her up. "You hungry?" I ask.
"Starving," she replies with a cute grin on her face.

I've been lying in bed for more than an hour, staring up at the empty ceiling, wondering about life. I don't really know why I haven't been able to sleep, and so I decide to take a stroll around the Hospital's boundaries.
I throw on some clothes, comfortable enough to walk at these hours of the night on the outside. But before I leave, I check the digital clock standing in my bed table. It reads 2:43 AM.
I walk absent-mindedly for a while, simply staring at empty space. I can't actually believe everything that's happened so far. I mean, it all started when I tried to suicide. Then, Grindel talked into my mind, and, somehow, my powers just activated when I most needed them: I got saved because of my teleportation powers.
Then, I discovered the whole Outsider world, got Dean killed after finding Kate alive (she was supposed to stay dead, because that's what ordinary people do). Kate also got killed that night. And then everything else: my parents' death, then the prisoners attacked and we finally discovered who Penelope actually was (would've never expected that harmless, limp shape on the streets to be the dark, soul-bending girl she now is), then we did the circus thing, we uncovered Ken's plan, then I got my memory wiped and killed Hansel, just to have my memories recovered after I had made my sword travel right past Hansel's chest; and then my little brother getting killed. And now... my meeting with the Angel of Death.
Where's Joseph's body? I wonder. Probably best, though, if I can't see it. I wouldn't be able to handle it.
I finally manage to pull myself out of the reverie. I look around where I am standing, and find myself questioning my legs and mind. I'm out in the forest, halfway into a scenery of dead animals and trees, all lying on the ground.
"What the hell happened here?" I mutter.
I see shadows flitting away in the dark. I prepare a ball of telekinetic energy.
Just in case, I tell myself.
Shadows move around me, and I release the energy ball. It strikes down a tree with a huge impact and a great creaking sound as the fifteen-meter tree swings downward to the ground, about to crush me. My instincts activate, and I instantly lift my hands up in the air, sending two waves of slicing energy, and then punching the air right where the middle of the two energy waves would be. Just in time, though, because a second after, the tree falls. I am standing right in the middle of the tree trunk, a hole made by my powers. I breathe quickly and then look around the place. A shadow starts moving not far from where I am.
As the figure nears, I stare at his blond, built shape. His stormy gray eyes stare back at me. He's the same guy that saved Ken today.
"What do you want?" I question.
"I just came to talk," he replies. I notice that he isn't from Honduras, since his accent sounds British, like Grindel's.
"You sure? Because last time, you didn't want to talk," I say.
"Boss sent me here to talk, and that's what I'll do, whether you want to or not," the blond dude mutters coldly.
"Okay, let's talk. But first, I wanna know your name."
"My name's Jason Bell. And you are John Adams, am I right?"

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