Discharged and Heading Home

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At the moment, Izuku didn't know whether to move Eri directly to the dorms or if he should bring her to his childhood home for a few days to get her acclimated to other people. If he brought her to the dorms that's 19 other people she has to meet and deal with. On top of that, he doesn't know how she will react to Tokoyami since he has the head of a crow which was the same as the masks the Eight Precepts were wearing. Hopefully he can explain it to her explaining that he is one of the strongest heroes in the class and wouldn't ever hurt her. That is option 1, now for option 2 he has his mother. Eri would most likely form a connection with Inko rather quickly. However, with how excitable his mother is, he doesn't know how the young girl can react. His best bet is to give her the choice and explain the pros and cons of both so she can decide for herself.

Giving her a choice, that would definitely be a first for her. She had always been forced to do things she never wanted, forced to be subject to those horrible experiments. This will be the first real choice she gets to make on her own fruition. Granted, she would get to make a lot more as the day goes on for what he has in mind but, this one would be the most important. As he enters back into the room, Eri quickly runs up to him and latches on to his leg with a scared expression on her face. He shushes her tears before picking her back up and bouncing her in his arms.

"It's alright, I'm right here Eri. You're ok. Nobody is gonna hurt you." He reassures her, as he does so he walks towards the hospital bed she had been sleeping in and sits in it. He lays her down across his lap as if cradling a baby as he tries to get her to calm down.

"Y-y-you w-were gone f-for too l-long. I-I got scared." The amount of fear in her made Izuku understand the fact the doctor was trying to make him realize.

The OFA user turned Eri to face his eyes while smiling. "Eri. There's something I need to do for a little while. While I'm doing this, I can't have you with me." This put fear in Eri again before seeing Izuku hold a pointer finger up. "But, I have two options for you. Both are places where you can stay with nice people that I trust completely. I don't know how you might react with both, so I want you to pick the one you think you can handle the most. Can you do that for me?"

Eri thought about it while putting her hand up in a thinking pose similar to her father before nodding. "Ok. The first choice is the school I go to. It's a live in school where a bunch of kids like me train to be heroes like the ones that helped save you. They won't hurt you and you could probably make friends with them. But there are a lot of people and one has the face of a bird. I'm worried you might have a bad experience with him because of that." The small child froze up hearing that. "Some of them might be scary looking, but they are some of the nicest people you'll ever meet."


"The second option is a home where I lived before the school with my mom. She's a really nice lady and it's a small area that might be a little more comfy for you to be in. I know for a fact she won't hurt you, but my mom might be a little too happy to see you to the point you might get scared. She does mean well, but I think she'd be a little too emotional with you. Not in a bad way of course, but I'm still scared she might scare you too much. Out of those two, which would you like to stay at for while I'm out?"

Eri thought of the options she had. On one hand, she was meeting several new people. Some might scare her, but her father said they were all nice people. On the other hand though, she had the option of going to where Izuku lived before and meeting his mother. He said that she might be scary by how emotional she'd be, but more good than bad. "C-can I s-stay with y-you and g-grandma?"

Expecting a no, Eri prepared to be scolded before being sat down and gaining a head pat. "Sure. We should be able to head out now. I finished up the last of the paperwork, so why don't we get a move on so we have a little time before I have to leave. We'll have to stop at a couple stores to get you some toys and clothes among other things too."

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