Triad of Confessions.

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The day for Izuku and Eri had gone on rather well after their confusion during lunch. Eri had met and learned of class A a little more with seeing a fight break out between Bakugou and Iida. The ordeal was about the ash blond placing his feet on the table while they were eating with it almost going into a fight before Izuku took a page out of a certain orange haired classmate from class B's book and knocked Bakugou out before a fight actually started. This was helpful since Eri was afraid of Bakugou due to this and nearly went into a full blown panic attack the second he screamed at the top of his lungs threatening to kill people. The next two hours after was spent with Izuku calming her down and letting Eri learn of the class as well as laughing at Mineta's misfortune of having Neko bite the small man's head while rolling around in pain. However, now was a moment Izuku was scared for during the entire day. The meet up with the girls and the unease that will follow.

As Izuku prepared himself mentally with Eri trying to help him, Momo, Tsu and Ochako made their way out towards the back of the dorms. Momo was the first there with her heart beating a mile a minute. For her, this was the first time she's done something like this and had read of it in small romance novels before. The main protagonist in tales writes a romantic love letter to the one they care for deeply and having a heartfelt meeting. The thought of being in a tale like this sent the Creation quirk user's heart aflutter to no end. She could barely contain her excitement all day today as this scene played in her head and how great this could be in her mind. As the door opened, Momo expected it to be Izuku to only be shocked to see Tsu walk out.

"Oh. Hey Momo. Didn't expect you to be out here."

"Sorry. I kinda figured you were someone else." The two sat down calmly with Tsu having a bit of a blush on her face. "Did you come to get some air?"

"Actually, I'm meeting someone here in a little bit."

"Oh really? That's quite a coincidence since I'm doing the same." The door opened again for both to look over and see Ochako walk out to make the scene even more awkward than it already was.

"Oh. Sorry, I didn't think anyone else was here."

"So are you waiting for someone here like us Ochako?" Tsu asked bluntly for the brunette's face to go completely red.


The air around the three was getting rather tense. Each one of them had come out to the back of the dormitory to meet someone, yet none of them knew what this was about. Finally, Momo spoke up between everyone. "So I am assuming this is some type of love confession with you both?"

Both nodded with each having their idea on who the other might be. In all their minds' they expected the others to be waiting for someone they talk to more in class and Izuku to come out the door for them in particular. No longer able to take the tension, Tsu spoke up. "So would any of you want to say who you're confessing to?"

"That might help make this less weird."

"I agree with Ochako. Perhaps if we all say the person on the count of three, it will make us a little less uneasy." Everyone nodded for the three to count to three before all saying who they were there for in unison.

"Midoriya/Deku." The three looked at each other before hearing what the others said. 'Wait. did they just say Midoriya/Deku too!?'

"What do you both mean you are here to see Midoriya? I thought you would be here for Tokoyami, Tsu. And you for Iida, Uraraka!"

"Like I'd like Iida in that way. He's with Hatsume! I thought you'd be here for Todoroki!"

"It isn't like that."

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