The Council of Heroes

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 Eri shifted and stirred hearing the alarm go off on Izuku's phone. The sun was already up at 5:30 in the morning but she was none too pleased about having to wake up. Granted, the young girl had slept for 9 hours and didn't have any problems sleeping that first night. She did however notice where she was sleeping. She was once again curled up on Izuku's chest like a little kitten. Soon enough after the alarm increases in volume for a couple moments, Izuku wakes up from his sleep and leans over before tapping the cartoonishly large head on the All Might alarm clock next to his bed. He stretches upwards before rubbing his eyes and opening them. Eri looks up at her father through tired eyes before she feels him pick her up.

From there he sets her on the side of the bed before getting up to go to his bathroom to get changed. While he does so, she hears him humming as he brushes his teeth and hears the fabric of his clothes rustle and move as he gets dressed. Her attention shifts from the noise her father is making as he does his morning routine to the All Might memorabilia throughout the room. She studies the posters, the figurines, action figures, funko pops, curtains, etcetera and even more etcetera. As she's looking around she sees the music box from the night before, it at some point had stopped playing it's tune. She stands up on the bed before walking across the squishy fabric and climbing the headboard to get to the music box. Once she has it she falls back onto the fluffy bed before fiddling with the crank on the side. She spins it towards her and it feels like it loosens. She makes a face of annoyance at the small box before spinning it the other way. That was the ticket, and she starts to perk up as she hears it tick and tick as she cranks the handle on the small box. When she let's go, it once again starts playing the song she had heard the night before.

"Oh, you grabbed that. I think it stopped playing at some point in the night. You can bring it with us Eri but you need to get ready because we have to leave shortly." Eri looks over at him for a moment before shifting her attention back to the rotating metal gears and cylinder in the middle. "Come on, let's get you changed and something to eat, Mr Aizawa said he will be here soon."

"I want more pretty sounds." She responds listening to the music box.

"As in a new song or just to keep listening to it?" He questions before opening the door and walking back into his room.

"Both." She responds watching the cylinder rotate and the comb of the music box flick with each little knob on the cylinder passing it creating the sound.

"I'll see if we can get another one after the thing we have today. Are you hungry?" He didn't get a response from her but rather her stomach as it growled hearing the mention of food which caused the young girl to blush from embarrassment. "I'll take that as a yes, come on let's go get something to eat." He says picking her up, Eri still holding the music box.

As they get down stairs they are greeted by Izuku's mother watching some morning television chatting with All Might and Aizawa who had come by early to pick up the two. Eri was at first scared of All Might but when the former pro puffed up to his buff form she realised he was the same guy on the posters she saw earlier, she relaxes but still focuses on the music box. Aizawa hands Izuku a brown bag from a fast food place and says that there has been a villain incident and that they have to leave now due to the roads being backed up. He sighed in annoyance before giving Eri to his mother to have her get changed. After a few minutes, Eri returns wearing an All Might onesie with the little ears up and she comes bounding over to Izuku having refused to change clothes. He chuckles seeing her act much like younger him before turning to Aizawa and heading out the door with the pros.

Eri was none too pleased about all the people on the train ride over from Musutafu to UA. She hid most of the time from their gazes by burying her face into Izuku's shoulder. Her logic being that if she can't see them then they can't see her. Unfortunately that's not how it works and most of the train occupants just minded their own business staring at their laptops or phones paying no mind to her. As they get to UA, Izuku finally decides to dig into the bag of food that Aizawa had got for them and pulls out a couple of Onigiri balls for himself and Eri. He hands her the large pyramid shaped bean paste and rice confection before handing it to the young girl. She reluctantly hands him the music box before grabbing the pyramid of rice. She stares at it for a couple moments before Izuku shows her to bite it and that it's food. Once she figures this out, she scarfs down the onigiri in no time before being handed a water bottle by Izuku.

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