Meeting the Class

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 Izuku couldn't help but laugh as he woke up the next morning, in the small bed that was set up for Eri the night before, sat all three cats. Specifically the small child was using all three cats as a blanket, plush toy to hug when she sleeps and one of them as a pillow. Mayonaka's large figure is curled up on top of her once again, laying primarily on her stomach with his head near her knees. Neko was being used as her pillow and was in a strange position with his arms and legs extended away from him exposing his entire belly and chest. Lastly Amai was snuggled up with Eri as she wrapped her arms around the tiny form of the white kitty. Hearing Izuku chuckle, Mayonaka perks his head up with a trill greeting him before stretching. This prompts Amai to wake up and she too stretches before wiggling her way out of Eri's hands and rubbing her face on the sleeping face of Eri. Neko still remains asleep while Mayonaka and Amai take turns trying to wake Eri up. The large black cat tapping her on the nose then the cheek before repeating. Amai walking over top of her and headbutting the sleeping child. A loud long "Mrrrrp." sound from Neko as he woke up and shifted his body to look at the other two cats was finally the thing that managed to wake Eri from her slumber.

"Neko." She says softly as the cat turns his attention from the other cats to her. "Noisy." She scolds which only gets him to lean forwards and bonk her head with his own as a form of morning greeting.

"Seems like you and the cats slept well last night. Are you ready for breakfast?" Izuku asks as Eri takes her turn stretching and waking up her muscles. She yawns widely which is mimicked by the cats before trying to get up. However she is unable to with Mayonaka sitting on her.

"Yes but I can't move." She says motioning to the large cat who is merely looking at her and purring loudly. "He's heavy." she comments.

"Yeah he's a big cat so he's gonna be heavy. Come on, I'm sure the cats are also hungry." Izuku says as he walks over to her small bed and picks her up. Neko makes it a point to jump up into Eri's arms as she is picked up. Amai and Mayonaka follow behind, headbutting Izuku's legs as they walk into the dining area of the small apartment to see Inko having the table already set up for breakfast.

"Nice to see you're all up. How did you sleep last night Eri?"

"I felt a little itchy with Mayonaka's fur, but it was nice and warm. His fur isn't as soft as Amai's is and Neko was silly. And he was my pillow."

"Well, I can't blame you for that. I'm certain it will be annoying on him when the summer months come." Inko silently laughs to herself while placing a plate of eggs and pancakes in front of Eri's seat. Neko sits calmly on her lap with Mayonaka taking the empty fourth seat, sitting like a normal human, and Amai sitting down beside Eri's chair as a guard cat despite being the tiniest out of the three of them.

"Eri, we have some news for you today." Izuku says as he places a can of cat food in front of Mayonaka and half a can split between Neko and Amai.

"What is it?"

"Today you and I will be able to head to UA. The school I go to. The room we're sharing was finished early this morning with enough space for us and the kitties here. So when we're done with breakfast, we'll be packing up and heading over there." The small child didn't know what to think about this. She was interested in seeing her father's friends, but remembered how there was a lot of people and somewhat scared they might not like her or be scary looking.

"Y-you said the p-people are n-nice?"

"Yes Eri. Very nice. I know some people that I can introduce you to that are very nice and people you can trust without any worry." Izuku began to explain with the members of the hideout raid who helped save her, the class rep Iida and vice rep Momo, even his friend Todoroki who even though doesn't talk much or show emotion, is a very good person and will be happy to help the small child if he's able to in some way.

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