Chapter 2 - The Mission

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AN: So, Chapter 2 is finally here. I wonder what'll happen to our hero. *Laughs with malicious intent* If you guys have any suggestions for what could happen next, just put it in a comment. Anyway, on with the story.


We swiftly climb over the wall, using the vines to assist us and drop down on the other side. I activate my NVGs and give the order for my squad to spread out. The three other operators disperse, leaving me alone as I creep through the eerily silent compound. Strange, it was unexpectedly quiet. Too quiet. I shake my head at the feeling of unease and slowly make my way deeper into the compound.

As I make my way towards where I think the target would be, I hear hushed voices coming from around a corner. Briefly glancing around, I see two sicarios. One appears to be distracted attending his injured pal who's intestines appeared to be hanging out of his stomach. Perfect, they'll never hear me coming.

I sneak up on them, deactivating my NVGs and easily dispatch the healthy one by slitting his throat with my bowie knife and stabbing him in the chest a few times to make sure he's dead. As he goes down I put my knife to the injured one's throat. He looks at me with an expression of sheer terror. I don't think I'll ever forget what I'm seeing. At least, not anytime soon, that's for sure.

"Alright motherfucker, you have exactly two seconds to tell me where your boss is before you end up like your friend over there, lo entiendes?"

"Un...un...demonio" Was all he manages to stutter before dying. I stand up, look at his mangled, lifeless corpse, sheath my knife and continue with the mission, thinking about what he said. What does he mean by demon? Did he mean one of my guys or did he mean something else? Either way, I dont want to stick around to find out. I reactivate my NVGs and continue towards the rendezvous point where the others should be waiting for me.

I continue to clear the building's exterior of sicarios until I come across what appears to be an old entrance to the servant's quarters around the back of the building. I see Paul round the corner and silently run up to me. We give each other a nod before he places his hand on the door and pushes it open. We both rush inside and look around.

"Clear!" I whisper-shout over to him. He gives me the ok hand signal to let me know that it's the same over where he is. I walk over to him and crouch down by a wall while we wait for Jonah and Rico to finish whatever the fuck they're doing and make their way to us. To kill time, I decide to tell Paul about what I saw before.

"His guts were hanging out. I mean, who could've done that?"

"He did say there was a demon. Maybe one of Satan's minions decided to pay him a little visit?"

"Do you seriously hear yourself right now? You're starting to sound crazy."

"Hey, I'm just sayin' what we're all thinking, bro."

I chuckle to myself before looking up to see the two slowest people in the world enter the room. I give each of them a nod before standing up and moving to a heavy wooden door at the far side of the room. The rest of my squad stacks up behind me as I push open the door and enter.

A couple minutes and many dead sicarios later, we reach the final room. Judging by the elegantly designed mahogany door, I figure this has to be Correa's office. Behind me I hear the rest of the guys speculating and making bets on what could be inside. Sighing to myself I open the door to something that no one could've ever predicted happening.

Inside the room, strung upside-down on a chandelier was the skinned body of the drug lord. I push the door open wider and enter the room. In one corner of the room was a pile of what looked like his skin and in another was a small pile consisting of an AK-47, a Colt 1911 and a various assortment of knives. On the large mahogany desk were at least four keys of nose candy, if you get me.

"What the fuck happened here?"

"Shut up Paul!"

"Man, fuck you too, you annoying little sh-"

"HEY! Both if you shut up and take a look around. See if you can find anything that might tell us who did this."

I swear to God, Paul and Jonah are going to be the death of me one of these days if they don't stop with their constant bickering. Rico and I don't even argue as much as them. I call Rico over and ask him if he's spotted anything unusual on his drone. After he says to me he hasn't, I tell him to keep his eye out for anything suspicious.

A couple minutes later, Paul calls me into a room adjoining the office. As I enter the bedroom, the first thing I notice is the smashed window, then the pool of blood on the floor and finally, large claw marks covering the south wall. Looking at the shards of glass on the floor, I could tell that the window was smashed from the outside. Strange, considering how we were on the third floor.

I take out my phone and begin taking photos of the scene for the inevitable after-action report. I save the photos to a new photo library and encrypt them. Once I've done that, I contact command and inform them of the new developments. After getting confirmation to move out, I enter the office to gather my team and inform them of the situation. We cut the drug lord down, take some photos and silently exit the room.

As we leave the hacienda, I can't help but get the feeling that we're being watched. I let Rico know, who assures me that the drone hasn't spotted anything and that I need to "stop being such a paranoid bitch." He can be an absolute asshole when he wants to and it's beginning to get on my nerves. We swiftly clamber over the wall and begin our trek to the outskirts of Bogota, where our contact will hopefully be waiting for us.

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