Chapter 9 - The Temple

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AN: Over 200 reads! You guys are awesome, thank you! Remember, feedback is always appreciated. Enjoy this chapter!

Matt's POV

I open my eyes to see Skull staring down at me, arms folded over his chest. I roll onto my side, groaning. Rubbing my eyes, I sit up to look at him. In my peripheral vision, I can see a Royal Guard standing at the door.

"God, Skull. What time is it?"

He thinks for a moment before replying. "It is late morning. I decided to let you sleep longer today after seeing how tired you were after yesterday's training session."

"Oh, yeah, thanks for that."

"You are welcome. I shall wait for you in the dining area."

He turns to leave, stopping as another Royal Guard enters the room. They converse in hushed voices for some time before the guard leaves. Skull gestures towards the storage unit where I keep my armor.

"Wear your awu'asa today. We are going out."

With that, he too exits the room, leaving me to get ready. I groan as I get out of bed and walk to the bathroom to freshen up.

A while later I enter the main dining area to see Skull already eating. I sit down next to him and begin eating a piece of fruit. As we eat, Skull explains to me that The Matriarch wants me to see more of the Clan's City. The Spearhead Clan, being the largest and most influential clan, was the center for all Yautja trade.

He tells me that he wants me to wear my armor so that if I am to be attacked by someone who isn't exactly fond of me, I won't get too badly injured. I just listen and continue to eat.

As we leave the Palace, Skull hands me my bowie knife so I'll at least have something to defend myself with. Even though he says that he'll stick close to me, he says that it's always good to have a backup plan. I trace my armored fingers over the blade, admiring its sharpness. It seems as though it has been sharpened recently. Perfect.

Through my helmet's visor, I can see many Yautja staring at me as we walk down the crowded streets. They mostly stare at me with a curious look although I have had a few look at my like I was just yelling obscenities at their mothers. Typical Yautja racism. Although in my case I guess it might be speciesism, considering how these guys aren't human. Thankfully Skull's presence seems to be enough to deter them from doing anything to me.

We approach a large pyramid with statues flanking the entrance. Two Royal Guards wearing black armor and holding spears stand outside. As Skull walks up to the entrance, he takes his staff and plasma launcher off and hands them to one of the guards who walks off with them. He motions me to follow him and I do so, trailing just behind him.

"So, what is this place and why are there guard outside?"

"This, ooman, is the Temple of Cetanu. This is possibly the most sacred place in the universe for us. The guards outside are some of the most elite Royal Guards on Yautja Prime. They guard the Temple, making sure that no one does any harm, hence the reason for my weapons being taken.

"But what about my knife?"

My hand drifts down to the knife attached to my waist. Have I just broken a rule? I start to get nervous and Skull notices almost instantly.

"Do not worry, ooman. They do not confiscate small blades as they are often given as an offering to Cetanu. You are also His Chosen so I believe they are slightly more relaxed and lenient you."

"Huh. Thanks."

Walking further into the temple, we pass the occasional Yautja praying or giving an offering to Cetanu. Most of them are too busy to notice us walk by but the ones who do notice, definitely aren't happy to see me. They obviously think that my presence is an affront to Cetanu.

The central room in the temple is where it's the most crowded. I'd say there has to be at least three to four hundred Yautja in this one room. Standing in the center of the room, is the High Priestess, giving some sort of sermon. She stands in front of a statue of Cetanu with offerings all around it.

Skull and I wait near one of the walls, waiting respectfully for the High Priestess to finish. When she talked, she had the respect and attention of everyone in the room. No one dared disrespect her as disrespecting her, meant disrespecting Cetanu.

She finished her sermon and as everyone begins to exit, she walks up to us. She isn't wearing her armor like most of the Yautja I've seen so far. Instead, she opts to wear a simple black robe with leather pouches.

"Your words were most inspiring, High Priestess." Skull says to her, bowing out of respect.

"Thank you, Elite Hunter. They come to me for many reasons. Some, want to have a successful hunt, others come to pray for those they have lost. All want Cetanu's guidance. Greetings ooman. If you'd allow me, I would like to examine your mark." She says, turning to face me.

I simply nod and take off the upper half of my armor, exposing the mark I've had for as far as I can remember. She crouches down and recites what sounds like a prayer to Cetanu, all the while holding a hand on my mark.

I don't know how much time has passed but she eventually takes her hand off it, reaches into her pouch and traces the outline of my mark with a black powder. The powder glows a bright crimson red before disappearing altogether. She stands and takes a step back, all while keeping an eye on the mark.

"You are most peculiar, ooman. In all our documented history, not one pyode amedha has ever been chosen by Cetanu before. It is clear he sees something in you. You shall become a great warrior."

"Thank you High Priestess."

She turns and leaves through a door on the other side of the large room. I put my armor back on and Skull motions for me to follow him. I hold my hand up to signal for him to wait and I jog over to the statue of Cetanu. The statue is an impressive twenty feet tall and made up entirely of black rock.

I kneel down in front of the statue and take out my bowie knife, placing it with the other offerings.

"Cetanu, I ask of you to guide me so that I may succeed in my Chiva. Help me survive whatever is thrown my way and give me the strength to kill anything that tries to stop me."

I kneel for another few moments before standing up and following Skull back to the Matriarch's palace. I will succeed, I think to myself. I will succeed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2021 ⏰

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