Punch of Revenge by usoppkamisama

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Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11452578/1/Punch-of-Revenge

Rated: K

Genre: Fiction, Family/Humor

Language: English

Characters: Monkey D Luffy, Whitebeard/Edward Newgate, Portgas D Ace, Thatch

Chapters: 1

Word Count: 1,695

Published: August 16th, 2015

Status: Complete

Summary: Sequel to Declaration of War Ace's peaceful morning could only be a dream when he got a hold of today's newspaper delivered by the kindhearted Marco.

My Summary: Thatch and Ace are alive and Luffy is female. Ace is worried for Luffy and stressed about what Luffy is up to after she declared war against the world government and punched a celestial dragon. Ace is also sort of proud of his sister and complains sort of to his family the Whitebeards. Don't exactly need to read Declaration of War but you can to see Ace's reaction to Luffy declaring war against the world government.

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