Loss of Life and Loss of Freedom by kittyface27

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Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13695366/1/Loss-of-Life-and-Loss-of-Freedom 

Rated: M

Genre: Fiction, Drama/Horror

Language: English

Characters: Monkey D Luffy, Portgas D Ace, Sabo

Chapters: 12

Word Count: 48,944

Published: September 12th, 2020

Updated: November 30th, 2020

Status: Completed

Summary: Luffy, Ace and Sabo had been dealing with extreme health conditions for the last seven years after dying painful deaths. They're finally free and making a name for themselves when they catch the eyes of a certain yonko crew. But when they're taken to be with them, it doesn't go well. Things only get exponentially worse under the stress of their loss of precious freedom.

My Summary: Sabo died by being stabbed in the stomach and was buried. Ace died from a disease where he bled from his mouth, eyes, and nose before being buried next to Sabo. Luffy died after being taken by Garp onto his marine ship where he drown and was buried next to Ace and Sabo. A few years later the three brothers wake up and are alive but they end up resetting, where they die in the same order as before and they wake up alive again. Their crew the Spades get taken by the Whitebeard Pirates while they were stranded on an island with their ship while they were taken to the infirmary after they were resetting. Whitebeard wants them to join the crew and see how it turns out for the Spades and the Whitebeards. Really fun story to read if you are fine with bloody rebirths in a way and PTSD and anxiety attacks. I have read this multiple times and still love it.

Date: April 25th, 2021

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