Chapter 3

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"What do you know about the time travelling dagger?" She send a tendril of her power and brushed against the innkeeper's mind, he relaxed immediately and beamed. She had gotten better at controlling it, with the constant use. This was the fourth inn she had tried, no one in the others had even heard of the dagger. However, this inn doubled as a fighting arena, gladiator style, so she figured if anyone knew about it, it would be someone here.

"You mean the Vīsava Yätarī?" Lyria frowned.

"The time travelling dagger?"

"Yes, it is known as Vīsava Yätarī." Lyria sighed with relief. She refused to admit that Casteel's plan was better than her's, and couldn't meet up with him until she had found some information.

"Yes, yes the Vīsava Yätari what do you know about it?"

"I don't know much." He admitted, face falling when he realised he would let her down.

"Who does?" The innkeeper frowned, not wanting her to leave him in search of someone else. He kept his mouth firmly closed.

"Who? It would make me really happy if you told me." She wrapped another tendril around him and he sighed.

"You should look for Amir Bonavich, he's into collecting antiques and if anyone knows about the dagger it's him."

"And where can I find him?"

"He's fighting tonight."

"Thank you so much for your help."

"I'm glad to help you, I love you." He insisted and she made a face. She had used to much power. Wincing she withdrew carefully and the innkeeper shook his head from side to side.

"What just happened?" He asked confused but Lyria was already gone. She swept through a side door and entered the pits. It was like walking into a sports stadium. It was packed. People jostled around, the noise was intense. It smelled disgusting, a mix of sweat and blood. Lyria elbowed an excited male and took a place near the front, above the pit. She braced herself to make sure she didn't fall in.

Two fights in and Lyria was getting worried. So far there was no sign of this Amir and she was supposed to meet Casteel soon. The bell on the door rang and Lyria checked to see who it was in case it was Amir, not that she was sure what he looked like.

The woman who entered made Lyria gap.

She was effortlessly beautiful, moving with a cat-like grace, almost as if she were floating. Everything seemed deliberate and perfect, from her painted lips to the gold eyeshadow. Lyria had seen sculptures with less perfect features. Lyria couldn't help the surge of envy, her skin looked disgustingly sallow compared to this ebony goddess. The woman swayed out of view and Lyria turned back to the fight. Another fight passed when someone slipped beside her, replacing the man. Lyria saw the woman from earlier, watching the fight with little interest. Someone shoved Lyria, trying to get a closer look and she almost tipped into the pit. Correction she would have had the woman not grabbed her cloak and hauled her back.

"Thank you, I'm Lyria." She looked amused but took Lyria's hand.


"Nice to meet you." She inclined her head.

"If you don't mind me asking, what are you doing here?" Everyone else was dressed in shabby clothes, the woman was practically royalty. She stood out like a sore thumb, that is, if sore thumbs looked flawlessly perfect.

"I'm looking for someone." Tariana faced the fight again and Lyria understood their conversation was over.

"Me too." She told her, focusing on the fight again. She saw Tariana tilt her head thoughtfully but remained silent.

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