Chapter 9

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Author's note:

Exams are finally over (unless I failed maths and have to retake which is highly likely)! Anyway, I should be able to upload at least once a week now, hopefully more. Here's a longish chapter to make up for my disappearance! Also this chapter like others includes ✨Sexual✨scenes so if you don't like that, just uh idk don't read it. Comment your thoughts!

Val's ship was fashioned from ancient oak, with masts that stood fifty feet, towering over them. Huge white sails billowed out majestically, contrasting perfectly with the rich brown timbers. Gold adorned the sides in decoration fit for a royal craft, Lyria would know, she'd been on one. A beautiful mermaid was painted on the bow, her red hair spread out as if in the breeze, and her eyes closed in a serene expression. 

"Holy shit." Tari breathed as she stepped on board. Lyria nodded, still gaping with her head back to take in the sails. The uneven movement of the sea beneath her, sent her stomach rolling but she ignored it.

"My thoughts exactly." 

"What can I say, my baby is the best there is."

"Eh I've seen better." Lyria elbowed him and he scowled, rubbing his ribs. 

"Focus, guys! The shrouds!" Tari pointed and Lyria rushed after her both of them heading towards the nets. 

"Right, I'll hold it steady while you lay the map on it." Val held the two sides and Tari placed the map on it, covering her hands with her cloak. They waited for a second before black ink bled onto the map, forming numbers.

"It's working!" 

25* 33.736'

-40* 31.055'

"What does that mean?" Lyria asked, she couldn't find a link between any of the numbers. 

"They're coordinates." Val said walking back to the middle of the ship. 

"Do you think you could get us there?"

"Definitely," Val gestured them to follow her into the cabin. Lyria briefly took in the lavish decoration before Val pulled out a large scroll and unravelled it on the table to reveal a huge map.

"Read me the coordinates again." Tari recited them and the woman pulled out a tool and pin- pointed a spot on the map.

"There!" Lyria scanned the spot. 

"Wait-that's close to Orynth," Lyria paused thinking then her eyes widened, "Search for where the last bell cries! In the war against the Valg, Orynth was the last combat ground and therefore the last place that the warning bells sounded!"

Tari gasped, "Of course!" 

"That's where the dagger will be!" Casteel whooped and Lyria turned to Val. 

"How long will it take us to get there?"

"If it remains an easterly wind...two-four days." 

"Perfect, let's go!" They all followed Val outside as she sprinted about the place, undoing knots and tugging ropes. 

"Right, someone release the main sail!" Lyria frowned.


"The main sail!" Val repeated.

"I got it!" Tari yelled and undid a complicated looking knot. She hooked it around a piece of wood sticking out and the biggest sail billowed out. There was surge of speed and suddenly they we're skimming along the waves.

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