Chapter 6

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A scroll. 

A fucking scroll. 

"What kind of fucking bullshit is this?"

"Language." Casteel said offhandedly as he read over her shoulder. Lyria snapped her head round to glare at him, not noticing the scroll fall out of her hands.

"Where's the dagger?" Casteel asked. The little shit! How dare he, oh where's the dagger Lyria, not like you just served the puzzle and got the scroll, what the fuck had he done-  

A growl loosened from Lyria's throat as anger rose within her. Tariana raised her eyes at the noise and Casteel bared his teeth, growling back at her. Fury fuelled by disappointment surged and she was swinging a fist at him before she could think. He caught it easily and his leg came around, tripping her. She hit the ground with a thud and groaned. Snarling, she crouched but Casteel pinned her arms before she could do leap at him. She thrashed around, needing to hurt him, needing to attack.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" She didn't respond and tried a move to dislodge him. He grunted in pain but kept her pinned. 

"Lyria!" He barked, struggling to keep her down.

"Look at me!"

"What's going on?" Tariana said panicked.

"Lyria, Lyria look at me!" Her eyes locked on his and her anger left as quickly as it came. Lyria blinked in confusion. What had just happened? She shuddered.

"You good?" Casteel breathed, scanning her eyes. 

"I think so, what just-did I hurt you?" 

"I'm fine. What was that?"

"I don't know." Lyria said honestly, rolling her shoulders as she took Casteel's hand and stood up. 

"You went crazy."

"I just felt so angry all of a sudden, l-like more angry than I've ever felt. It was like consuming." She hadn't been able to think straight. 

"You feel good now though?" Lyria nodded at Tari, still shaken. 

"Fuuuuckkkkk. I wonder where that came from." 

"I think I might have an idea."


"You were holding the scroll thing, moments before. What if it was cursed?" 

"That makes sense." Casteel noted and Lyria nodded her agreement.

"Hopefully that's the worst of it."

"Mmm, but for now on, let's not touch the scroll with our bare hands." Tari picked up the scroll off the ground carefully with her coat wrapped around her fingers. 

"Now we just have to figure out what it means." She held the parchment up so they could all see. Tiny black letters were written in one corner.

To find what you're searching for,

You must face trials numbered four. 

Use the shrouds to key the map,

Brave the dangers and jump the gap, 

To find where my treasure lies, 

Search for where the last bell cries.

Sun will set and you shall grieve,

One you will love out to deceive.

"Well that's ominous." Lyria raised her eyebrows and read it again. 

"I think the first bit is pretty self explanatory, we are going to have to face four trials of some sort, then shrouds? What are shrouds?"

"Shroud, noun, a length of cloth or an enveloping garment in which a dead person is wrapped for burial." Tari recited and Lyria blinked.

"Where's the map though?"

"I assume this is supposed be the map, perhaps if we drape shawls over it, it will reveal itself?" Tariana offered and Lyria nodded. 

"Brave the dangers, jump the gap. Sounds super fun. Where the last bell cries..." She drifted off, thinking.

"What about the last two lines?"

"I think it means someone is going to betray us, and I don't like the sound of grieving either, it means someone else is going to die." 

"Unless it means after the sun sets you will grieve, maybe because we need to accomplish something before then? Maybe the two lines won't necessarily happen." Tari shrugged. 

"Right well imma go sleep on this log while you work it out." Her friend sniggered while Casteel frowned. She pushed off some moss and reclined into the wood.


"I'm afraid my brain is too tired."

"But you worked out the riddle in the tomb!"

"Exactly! I've done my part. You and Tari can figure out this puzzle. I have full confidence in your abilities. Well, her abilities not your's." Casteel scowled and Tariana raised an eyebrow.


"It's your new nickname." Lyria waved her hand.

"Hmm I like it."

"I'm glad." Five minutes past and Lyria had her arms outstretched, tanning.

"Let's head back to an inn and we can think more on it. We can get you another coat too." Casteel said and Tari nodded, wrapping the scroll up in it.


"Mmhmm?" She responded not opening her eyes. 

"Get your ass up we're going."

"Uh no thanks, I'm comfy."

"We're in a graveyard." He deadpanned. 

"Carry me then."


"Do you wanna hear it in Ellwye? Actually I don't know what it is."

"Cara-mâ." Tariana supplied and Lyria nodded.

"Cara moi." The dark haired woman sniggered at her terrible pronunciation. Casteel huffed but picked her up. She twisted so she was on his back. He had to grab her legs to stop her falling off. Tari chuckled and started walking.


"Did you just kick me?"

Author's note: 

I know this chapter is mucho boring but I defo should be revising right now so I gave myself ten minutes. Also also also the riddle thing is shit cus I am not a poetry genius and I might change it at a later date!

Random idea but I was thinking of making a tiktok. Like where I could drop spoilers or just talk and recommend books ya know? IDK I'd probs be too scared someone from school would find it.  Let me know if you would follow me? Hehe I'd have like three followers max but it would be funny. It would be easier to talk to you guys too (well that's me being presumptuous and assuming you want to talk to me). 

Anyways, bye for now! And wish me luck for exams! I have a two hour maths paper and then two hour and fifteen minute history paper after on Wednesday, YAY! 

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