Chapter 30

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Important AN!!! Do read this chapter while listening to the song it will help set the mood.

After the fight with the super soldiers, we had a conversation with John Walker and his teammate. I told the boys to be reasonable and listen to what he had to say. It seemed to be going quite well until he gave the name "Cap's wingmen" to Sam and Bucky. This was exactly where he lost them unfortunately. I could see that the communication had to be worked on quite a bit. 

Back in the airplane, Bucky explained that he knew someone he wanted both of us to meet adding that this person might help. He lived in Baltimore, Maryland but with all the luck, once there it was already night time. We went to a hotel but in all different rooms. Sam advised me to talk to Bucky and maybe be back as the cute loving and understanding couple.

"I do still love him Sam but I'm not sure it's the same for him." I admitted but he denied on that last statement and left to his own room.

It was only when I got out of the shower and sat on one of the chairs close to my door that I heard someone knocking. Feeling very uneasy and unsure we were safe, I took my gun and putted in the pocket of my bathrobe and tried really hard to not make it obvious. Once I opened it I saw it was Bucky which was reassuring. 

"Why do you have your gun ready?" He asked

"It could have been anyone and after that argument with Walker, I'm not sure that the government won't be after us." I stated. I went to sit on the bed while he took the chair sitting in front of me. 

"Look you are right to not want to talk to me just please listen." He pleaded.

"Why did you leave without giving a proper explanation and any updates? I was so worried James and hoping you didn't have any kind of problem." 

There was a moment of silence until he let out a long sigh. He then went to sit next to me, took my hand and gave it a small kiss. That was the first time in months that I had such a close proximity with him and I couldn't deny that it felt good. My body kept screaming for him but my mind kept reminding me that this was not the right time. 

"You were grieving for Tony and Natasha and I had relapsed about the horrors of my past. I figured at that time it would be best for us to live these challenges in our separate ways. I realized quickly that I was wrong and wanted to contact you but I didn't know if you would still want to after I left. I don't deserve your forgiveness but I would be so grateful if you would give it to me." He confessed.

"There is nothing to be forgiven about James. You did what you thought what was best and I'm not mad at you for it. I could never be you know that and-" I stopped abruptly thinking really hard about what I was about to say. This would quite a big step and an intense revelation.

"And?" He asked but waited patiently for me to finish it. Our faces were just a couple inches apart but none of us acted until it was pronounced.

"And I love you... so much." I finally admitted which made him smile.

"I love you too. If you let me, I would show you just how much I do." He whispered his lips so close to my own.

"Please do it" I requested and he gave me a kiss that I felt would lead to an amazing night.

Hey guys here is another chapter for you. I hope you enjoyed it and tell me what you think. We all know what happens in the next one for real this time :)

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