Chapter 17

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*Time skip directly to Infinity War because I want to*

Apparently T'Challa got a call from Steve. He said that they needed help to remove Vision's stone from his head. I didn't get more information. Only that Steve, Natasha, Wanda, Vision, Bruce, Rhodes and Sam were all on their way here.
"Any more information I should know?" I asked
"Stark went missing" T'Challa answered
"What? Let me rephrase that just to make sure I heard the right thing. Tony is nowhere to be found?" I said
"I'm afraid so" Shuri said. I started to walk out of the palace since I needed some fresh air. Like in Germany because of my strong and negative emotions I felt a storm starting because of me. I putted my hands on the rail of the balcony trying to calm down but it was extremely hard. I then felt someone turn me around and hug of course I knew who it was. Bucky. And he was trying to reassure me as much as he can.
"Eveything is going to be okay" He said and made me look at him.
"They don't know where Tony is or even if he is still alive" I said
"Everyone is coming here and we will make sure that Thanos will pay for everything"
"You promise?" I asked
"I promise. And after we will leave. Just you and me so that we can live our life" He said and kissed me. After a few minutes the storm that I was creating left and the nice weather came back. The other Avengers arrived shortly after. When I saw Nat I immediately ran towards her and hugged her.
"I'm glad you're all okay" I said to her
"I can say the same" She said and we went back inside to Shuri's lab talking about the stone. While looking at the window I saw some kind of space ships landing and causing small explosions.
"It's too late. We need to destroy the stone" Vision said while getting up
"Vision get your ass back on the table" Nat told him and we were making a fight plan. Getting to the battlefield was quite stressful for all of us I guess. Steve, Nat and T'Challa were walking towards the enemy to negociate but when they came back I could tell something wasn't right.
"Did they surrender?" Bucky asked
"Not exactly" Steve answered and some space dogs appeared from the forest. They looked weird.
"Looks like we pissed her off" Nat said
"There are no 'looks like' I'm pretty sure you did" I said some of them got passed the barrier but it killed them or they were seriously injured.
"Rhodes if you want me to control your explosions it's now or never" I said and took only a few moments before he dropped bombs. I made sure that the fire from these was going as far as possible. Because the creatures were going close to where Vision was T'Challa decided to open the barrier. This is when the war started and we all ran towards the enemy to fight. I was lucky that we were close from a river. The only thing is that after some time there were more and more and we were outnumbered so it was easier to attack us. That is until I saw an axe flying and killing them. It was Thor with a raccoon and a human tree.
"Ha ha you guys are so screwed now!" Bruce exclaimed and Thor was walking towards the black order.
"Bring me Thanos!" He screamed while running. I don't know why but now I had more hope that we would win. The fight continued to go well. That is until Vision got out of the lab.
"Guys we got a Vision situation here" Sam said
"Somebody get to Vision" Steve said and I started to run towards where I think Vision would be. I did arrive fast but Steve was already there and talking to Vision.
"I told you to go" He said
"We don't trade lives Captain" Vision answered. I actually wanted to take this time to just sat down and take a break. Of course that wasn't possible. Everyone came in the forest and I started to have a very bad feeling. I heard Vision let out a little pained scream and tell Wanda that Thanos was coming. When I looked at the same direction as everyone I saw a portal open and Thanos appear. Some of them were trying and failing to slow him down. I saw Wanda crying because she knew what she had To do but she obviously didn't want to destroy the stone now because it will kill Vision. That woman already lost everyone she loves and she had to say goodbye to someone else. When Thanos was walking towards them I knew it was my chance. I got in front of him and used tree roots To keep him in place.
"I won't let you get it" I told him
"I will give you some time to free me" He said
"And to that I answer the same thing I say To people who dare to challenge me. With what I can do and the training I got you don't stand a chance against me" I said. I actually said this sentence only twice. Once to Bucky back in Washington and once to Kilgrave which is now dead. That son of a bitch got his lesson.
"One last chance" He told me
"Where is Tony?" I asked. I had a feeling he has something with Tony missing
"You will join him if you don't move" Thanos answered which made me lose my temper. I used all the flames from the forest and brought them to him while still trying to keep him still with the roots. Only thing is when the stone was destroyed I lost everything. I only regained myself and Thanos had the stone in his hands. While he was preparing to snap Thor appeared and stabbed him in the chest with his axe. I then heard Thanos talk and that's when he snapped his fingers. He disapeared again and something felt wrong. Steve was walking towards Thor and I was also there. Steve kept asking where Thanos went.
"Steve?" Bucky said and I looked towards him and saw him disappear. This was a huge shock. I heard screams and cries from the Wakanda army. Then it was Okoye calling for T'Challa. Rocket reacting to Groot leaving. Wanda was also leaving. Rhodes was calling Sam without getting any response. Vision was on the floor dead.
"This is a nightmare right? I will wake up soon and everything will be back to normal" I said and fell on the floor barely giving time to Nat to catch me.
"None of this is real. I'm still dreaming" I said and started to cry. It was real. A lot of people including the man I loved just disappeared. For the first time in many years, the Avengers lost a fight to protect the Earth.

Hey guys here is another chapter for you. Ouch that ending. Anyway you should know that the next chapters will have spoilers from End Game. So if you haven't seen it yet don't read the next ones until you have watched it. I hope you enjoyed it and tell me what you think :)

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