Chapter 11

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*A year later*

It's been a while year since the thing with the Accords and everything. I didn't get any news from everyone which is actually normal since they must be watched and listened 24/7. I was now in the Quinjet flying to Wakanda again. I got a Phone call from T'Challa saying that his sister Shuri needed my help with something. This was a little suspicious but I still decided to go. When I landed I saw a young woman waiting. I guess it must be her.
"Hey you must be Jessica. I'm so glad you could come fast I have to show you something" Shuri said as she walked fast towards a car. She drove in the City and started to explain me a lot of things. The place we went was not what I expected us to go. She got out of the car and started to walk towards what looked like a river.
"Look can I ask what are we doing here?" I asked and saw three kids running towards us. They can't be older than like 7 or 8. They were excited about something clearly. One of them was even looking at me with very round eyes.
"You're the magician that White Wolf told us about!" He screamed
"Well uh-" I said but I was quickly interrupted since they were dragging me towards a fire. Ok this is really weird.
"Please please please show us!" They said in unison even more excited than before. I started slowly to make the fire die slowly. Then light it up again. The boys were pretty impressed.
"Want to see something even cooler?" I asked smiling and they all nodded quickly so I walked towards the river and started to have fun with the water. I was making it in three different shapes and froze it so that they could keep it. It was a gift.
"So manipulation of the four elements?" I heard a man voice ask and already knew it belonged To who.
"And the weather" I added and turned to see that it was indeed Bucky that talked to me. Shuri then started to walk towards us and asked the kids politely to give Bucky and me some privacy.
"I guess you asked her to bring me here" I said
"When I woke up T'Challa told me you came here. I wanted to talk to you. Maybe sort things out" He said
"I don't know. What happened in Germany and Siberia is behind me now" I said really not wanting to talk about everything. Especially the fact that he knows about David.
"Is it really?" He asked
"What Wanda said was true but I'm sure it was by accident. I don't know how Tony is doing" I answered
"I told you. You can talk to me about anything that bothers you"
"And having my secrets spilled? No thank you" I said in a cold tone
"You said it yourself. It was an accident" He said
"Still. I had hopes that when Alexander Pierce died this horrible event will probably die with him. David was and still is an asshole" I basically screamed
"Jessica... What happened was terrible yes. I know it still haunts you but trust me. It will get better" He said being extremely calm. I wanted to get better I really did but the memories always found a way to come back.
"Just tell me one thing. Why weren't you scared of me from the beginning?" He asked
"I studied psychology. It was my duty to know what it's like to Feel like someone is playing with your mind over and over for a very long time. Something about you fascinated me" I answered being honest with every word.
"I think it's a lot more than that. You let me live in your appartment when you don't even trust men in general"
"I wanted to help you. You and Steve are absolutely amazing. How your bodies work will interest any doctor or biologist. Your minds would interest anyone studying the brain. That being me" I said but there was one thing that I wasn't saying. I wanted Bucky to have a break about everything. I also wanted this for myself so I thought that maybe helping him would also help me. But after five months it made me realise a lot of things. Then I could make him leave which I really didn't want to but it was for the best. Then Germany happened and Siberia. Now here I am. I really wanted to tell him all this. How much I wanted him to stay with me. How much I worried about him when he left. How glad I was when I saw him again and the fact that he was 'okay'.
"Apparently you're someone who will always see the good in a person. Even if he did only bad things" He told me
"My dad worked with the enemy. My best friend had an industry that made weapons. The two others were assassins before being agents" I said laughing a little since looking at the people that were with me for the biggest part of my life actually have very dark secrets and pasts may have made me see not only the negative about someone. It was pretty logic.
"I also think that we all make mistake. But none of them should define who we are. We have to move forward no matter what" I added being a little more serious. It then started raining heavily.
"Shit!" I screamed and started running towards Bucky's little house with him. This can't be serious right now.
"Ugh... and with me wanting to go home as soon as possible" I said
"These kinds of rain usually last for a couple days. But hey! You can control the weather if it bothers you that much" He said sounding a little hurt
"Oh no Bucky I didn't mean it that way. It's just with the stress of everything in general I snapped. I'm sorry" I said
"It's fine. Do you want to talk about It? Looks like you will be stuck here for a couple days so might as well kill some time" He said
"I don't know if it's a good idea" I said
"Why not?" He asked
"I'm scared I might say something that I didn't want to" I answered

Hey guys here is another chapter for you I really hope you enjoyed it and tell me what you think :)

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