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(Charlotte's POV)

     "IT'S like we're Nathan Drake", I laughed, as James and I scaled the side of the high building, our hands skidding the ledge as our feet tried to hold ground on the side.

"Shh, they're hear us.", he said back, leading the way. "Though, I must agree", he added, and I saw the glint of amusement flicker through his eyes, reflecting the starlight in the night. "I'll be Sully, you be Drake."

I rolled my eyes. "Can't I be Elena? Or Chase? That would make more sense, no?", I laughed.

James shook his head, and leaped onto another building. I followed, grabbing onto the ledge as my feet dangled below. I took a deep breath. He caught his breath too, before answering. "Okay", he laughed. "Fine. Chase. But that's enough  Uncharted talk.", he continued. "We need to be quieter."

I nodded, and followed James as we scaled a few more buildings. I felt the wind catch on my new purple cape, and looked down to see the dirt from the buildings was beginning to stain my bandanas. I smiled. I looked just like James, Bandana Man, in this suit. Exactly like him.

"Hey.", he whispered, breaking my train of thought.


"There it is, Bandana Girl.", he smiled, winking, before pointing down into an alley. "One of the small campsites of the gang. Only four people here at the moment." He grinned deviously up at me. "Ready to take 'em out?"

In nodded, my eyes sparkling. "You're still new, so im'ma just grab your hand so you don't fall-"

"Oh, stop making excuses to hold my hand.", I laughed.

He laughed. "I'm still not letting go", he said quickly. I would of said something back, but I had no time to argue for before I knew it I was half-falling, half-diving, half-flying, down into the alley with James' hand tightly wrapped in mine. I recalled the day James had taught me how to to fly. Oh, what a good time we had that day...

I snapped myself out, aware that in just a few seconds I would have to regain control of my thoughts.

James looked over at me, and smiled. "Ready?"

I nodded, removed my hand from James' and landed on the back of a gang thug, just as James did the same.  We instantly knocked them out, and received  blows from the other two.

I took my eyes off James and focused on myself, blocking a few first punches from my opponent and landing a well-aimed kick right where it hurts. He leaned inward in pain for a split second, in which i took advantage of and went in to grab his head, yet he saw this coming and grabbed my arms as a counter and ran back, ramming into the wall of the building. I groaned in pain, and tried not to show too much weakness as I went back in for a finishing punch. He didn't take it too well and fell down onto the ground, defeated. James was standing beside me seconds later, smiling bigger than ever.

"You're going to make an amazing hero", he smiled.

"Not as good as you", I said back, welcoming his lips on mine.


"We'll make this our city, Charlotte." His voice rang out over the cars, entering and pursing pleasure on my eardrum with that beautiful voice of his.

I looked out into the city, dangling my feet as we sat in our street clothes on the edge of a building. "It won't be easy", I said.

"I know. But believe me. One day, the two of us will rid Paradise of the gang forever."

"Isn't that what we've been trying to do this whole time?"

"Yes, and i'm letting you know that one day, we will fully accomplish that. And then once we can retire our Hero ways, and we'll be able to live a life together."

"A life together?"

"Yeah. One with a house, a family, a purpose."

I laughed, leaning against him, shoulder-to-shoulder. "I would love that", I smiled.

"So would I.", he grinned, blushing slightly as he pulled me in for a kiss, slipping a ring on my finger as soon as I had kissed him back.

Bandana Man and Bandana Girl xx 

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