-Chapter 5- (Final chapter~)

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  • Zadedykowane LG, Miriam, and Tori <3

Today, the day i'm writing this, is September 11. On this day, in 2001, terrorist attacks caused the falling of the Twin Towers and nearly 3,000 deaths. Of those fallen, two included the men Garnet "Ace" Bailey and Mark Bavis. Mark and Ace were on United Airlines Flight 173, returning to Los Angeles, California.

Mark and Ace never made it back.

In case you're wondering who these two men are, they were NHL (National Hockey League) Scouts (a person whose job it is to draft, or find, potential future NHL players) for the hockey team, the Los Angeles Kings. If you don't know who my Kings are, then go to my Wattpad profile. They're on the background. Or look them  up. They just won the Stanley Cup this year, by the way. Took a good 45 years ;D

And then, 10 years later after that plane disaster, or last year (2011),  another plane crash occurs, killing the entire Lokomotiv KHL (Kontinental Hockey League) hockey team.

So, today I wrote 'Ace Bailey' on my hand to remember. I couldn't remember the name of the guy, forgive me. May we always remember all those who fell. Fun Fact- Bailey, the L.A. Kings mascot, was actually named after Ace and wears a patch on his jersey that says 'AM', in honor of Ace and Mark. I believe the hockey players themselves also have similar patches, and 'AM' is drawn onto the ice of the Staples Center, the arena in which the Los Angeles Kings, Clippers, Lakers, and Sparks play.

Anyways, sorry for such a long A/N, but I had a lot to say. 



(Charlotte's POV)

LOOKED down at my hands as Lily was constantly looking around at the now-vacant arena, confetti and abandoned posters reading phrases such as, "Pick ME for Worldwide!", "I Love Carlos!", scattered around on the floor. One even read, "Kendall, you up for rainbow watching?" I smiled as I tried to picture his reaction.

"Charlotte, they're not coming. Are you sure James told you to wait here and you weren't just hearing things?", she whined.

"Yes", I answered quickly, looking up.

"How much lon-", Lily started, before being interrupted by Kendall, who stood in the middle of the stage.

"You're the one James wanted to see?", he asked.

"Well, just me, but Lily wanted to stay", I said with really no problem at all.


Kendall nodded. "Okay, well, James is still changing into cleaner clothes, but you two are welcome back stage." Lily leaped up instantly, and quickly followed Kendall back stage.

"I'll be there in a sec", I said, getting up slowly.

I was nervous, so I took my sweet time.

I was so nervous, and I didn't even know exactly why.

After a few minutes, I finally reached the door Kendall has used earlier to get backstage with Lily. I pulled open the door slowly, and stepped in.

I don't know what I had stepped on, but it definitely wasn't the floor. I shrieked quietly, tripping and falling onto what I believe to be a man. So, I guess I had stepped on a shoe..

I let out a squeal of surprise as I fell smack onto a muscular chest.

Well, at least my chest was on his chest.

My lips were pushing into his, as they fell smack on them.

Funny thing is, I didn't know who the heck I was kissing, yet I didn't pull away.

Masked In PurpleOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz