-Chapter 3-

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(Charlotte's POV)

THE first thing I realized that morning was the fact that I had no idea of Lily's condition or where she was at.

I leaped out of bed, throwing the bed covers back and grabbing my phone off the end table. I dialed Lily's number quickly. One ring, two rings, three rings- Lily, you're freaking me out, pick up! Four rungs....five - "Hello?"

"Lily!", I literally shouted into the phone.

"Charlotte!", she shouted back. "Why didn't you call earlier? I was worried about you!"

"Worried about me? I was worried about you! I didn't know where you had gone."

"I went to the apartment I rented. And you?"

I bit my lip. "Whoa, wait. You're staying in Paradise?"

"Of course I am!", she laughed slightly. "Hometown heart."

"No, no, Lily. I don't want you to be attacked again like that."

"Don't worry, Bandana Man will come save us again!" Right now, I could imagine the biggest, most innocent grin on her face right now. "OH", she exclaimed rather loudly ending my imagination of her possible facial expression, "That reminds me - what happened after I left?"

"Um..." For some reason, I didn't really want to tell Lily about our whole hang out session. Oh, and I surely wasn't going to tell her about the kiss he gave me. 

Not that it was a romantic kiss, oh no it was far from that. I didn't even know if that quick press of lips against mine had any other reason besides appreciation and gratitude behind it.

To him, anyways.

Obviously, it meant more to me because just thinking about it gave me butterflies.

"Charlotte? Hey, you there?"

I blinked, ending m train of thought.

"O-oh, yeah, sorry.", I replied to Lily.

"You okay?", she asked in return.


''Okay then. So, you were going to tell me what happened...?"

"Oh, y-yeah, sorry. Um, well he flew- ye she can fly- me back to my house. Then we talked for a bit and we went home."

"That's it?"

"Y-yes", I responded shakily.

"Charlotte, I know you're leaving something out."

"N-no, it's nothing!", I said quickly.

"Char....", Lily pressured.

I threw my free arm up, slapping my leg with my hand as it fell back down. "Fine! We talked for hours infront of my house, not for 'a bit'! And then he kissed me for barely a second- nothing special! There! Happy?!" Gah, I was gonna kill her.

"Oh my gosh, really? Tell me- is Bandana Man a good kisser? How'd you feel?", she asked rapidly.

Oh, thats right. I forgot how boy-crazy Lily was.

Time to answer her stupid nosy questions.

I blushed slightly despite it, a grin forming on my face as I thought about the answer. "Well, like I said, it was barely a second but..." I took a deep breath, looking down as if trying to hide my smile. "Y-yes, he's amazing.."

"Ooh~", Lily cooed, teasing.

"Shush", I laughed.

"I wonder if he likes you."

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