-Chapter 1-

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(Charlotte's POV)

WALKING down the clean road of Medina Street, it caused me to remember everything as it looked before.

Medina was always the main street in the city of Paradise, California, where I live and where i've always lived. Medina was beautiful now, yet still bared the ugly scars from the past. The old warehouse was never taken down, and it remained covered in graffiti. It stood out from the other buildings- which were all, for the most part, refurbished- Flowers and trees were planted in the sidewalk, to distract from the limited amount of graffiti and dried blood that was still worn on some of the unkempt buildings, such as the warehouse itself.

For the most part, that was Paradise. It's hard to believe that only five years ago, Paradise wasn't 'paradise' at all.

The city was filled with gangs, graffiti, people were beaten- and I watched some even die. It was a terrible city ti live in.

It's better now though-much better now. The sun actually shined, people were no longer scared to go outside.

And it was all thanks to him.

Don't get me wrong though, there was still a gang hanging around here, trying to reclaim their position.

That's right. Just one.

As oppose to the many that were here before he arrived.

The one that remained was also the most dangerous, most populated one.

The members in it weren't happy about the new and improved, better-standing Paradise. They planned to take it back.

This was the gang that wore the purple bandanas.

I looked down at my own right wrist, a purple bandana tied around it, tight and secure.

No, i'm not a part of their gang,

He, who proclaimed himself Bandana Man, insists on turning the image of the purple bandana around into a good one. He is covered in them, uses them to mark his appearances, uses them to fight sometimes. 

I show my support of Bandana Man by sporting the purple fabric.

Looking down on it, I shivered. If I had worn one five years ago and earlier, I would have been thought to be apart of the gang and would be recruited without question, beyond my will.

Now, I see many people wearing them, all showing support of Paradise's Hero.

Although Bandana Man has turned the image of the purple bandana around and working for that to remain a sign of good for the past five years, the gang members still wear them for a sign of their unity. In the past, only the strongest members would have silver chains clipped on their pants. However, because civilians have started wearing purple bandanas like they wear necklaces, the gang was forced to distribute silver chains to everyone as a part of their dress code and identification of true members. 

"Charlotte! Charlotte Vine, is that you?"

I turned around at the mention of my name. A cute girl just a few inches smaller then me was smiling in my direction. She had dark, red-brown dyed hair. It was short, covered her entire head without passing her shoulders, creeping along her ears. She had on a tank top and very short light blue shorts on. She looked so familiar.


It was her! What was she doing here?

"Lily?", I asked, shocked. Lily Collins, my greatest friend ever. We had been friends forever, but she moved away five years ago. I haven't talked to her since.

Lily ran up to me and pulled me into a tight and long hug. "Charlotte, you have no idea how much i've missed you!"

"What are you doing back in Paradise?", I grinned.

"Well, i'm living on my own now, so I can live wherever I want and I chose here.", she smiled.

Lily was a year younger than me. We had last seen each other when I was fourteen, her being thirteen. I was now nineteen, with Lily at age eighteen.

I pulled away from our hug. "M-move back? Why would you want to come back?", I laughed slightly. I mean, getting out of Paradise is a paradise- especially since Lily had left with the city being the dump it once was.

"Yes, but I head the city was beautified and fixed somewhat. And looking around, I see that what i've heard is true."

I laughed slightly. "Well, it's not perfect, but it's not terrible anymore either."

Lily nodded. "Well, it's been five years. We've got a lot to catch up on."

"I know! And why didn't you call?"

Lily bit her lip. "I was going to, but I kinda forgot your number. Oh please forgive me Charlotte, I feel awful!", she cried. "I'm so sorry!"

I laughed slightly. "Don't be silly! Why wouldn't I forgive you?"

"Well, we haven't talked in half a decade.."

I smiled. "Don't worry about it."

Lily reached for my right wrist, when suddenly she pulled away, stepped back and cuffed her mouth. "C-Charlotte..b-bandana..p-purple.." She shook her head.

"Oh! No!", I laughed, pulling her back towards me despite her flinching. "It's not what you think. See, there's this Hero named Bandana Man...."

I told her everything about Bandana Man.

Although I had never encountered him, I have seen him.

I'll never forget that time. 

It was the first- and so far only- time I had seen Bandana Man in person.

First and only until now...

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