Chapter 5 - Who am I?

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  • Didedikasikan kepada Caleb Aitchison Hutt


The dust cleared and I looked up to see Dray fly away with Ryder. I stood up, brushed my pants and then helped Clara up. "Doctor what are we going to do?" she said with a look of worry on her face. I looked up in the direction Dray went, "We're going to get Ryder back, come on" I grabbed her hand and started walking back to the TARDIS quickly.

We got to the TARDIS and I started searching for Ryder's life signal. It didn't take long, the monitor beep within seconds. "Ryder's not far" I said and started to flight to TARDIS close to her location. 'Hold on Ryder we're on our way' I thought. The TARDIS shaked and made a ruff landing. Clara and I fell to the floor; I quickly got up and helped Clara. "You alright?" I asked, "Yeah I'm fine. Let's go get Ryder," she said.

We left the TARDIS; we had landed just outside a cave. We enter the cave quietly and slowly, as we kept going further in the cave when we come across a light then we saw Ryder chained to the wall, Unconscious. All of a sudden a cage dropped down from the ceiling, Clara and I were trapped. "Ha I knew you would come, Doctor" Dray said, coming out of the dark shadows. "Dray let us go!" I yell gripping the cage, "Be quiet!" Dray banged him fist against the cage and walked back to his workshop desk. I huff and sit on the ground with Clara. "We'll get out of this Clara, I promise" she just nodded her head.


I heard yelling but it was mumbled I couldn't make anything out but then it went quiet. I slowly opened my eyes my vision was blurry but it cleared up after a couple of seconds. I looked around and saw that the Doctor and Clara were in a cage and Dray at his desk. I was getting a bit of a headache; I closed my eyes hoping it would ease. "Ah your awake Timelord" Dray said, I looked up and he was looking at me.

"Yes I am so?" I replied, he huffed and brought his right hand up and scratched the left side of my face from the temple to my chin. "Agh" I grunted and gritted my teeth. "Ryder!" the Doctor and Clara yelled, gripping the cage. "Ha they care for u so much and the Doctor doesn't even know who you are and to be honest u don't know who you are but is surfacing slowly. How's the headache?" Dray smirked.

'How does he know about my headache and what does he mean I don't know who I am?' I thought. My headache was getting worst but still manageable; I looked Dray in the eyes. "What are you on about?" I said, my breathing become heavy. "Hmm you'll find out just wait" Dray laughed and walked to his desk. "Hey are you two ok?" I asked. "Clara and I are fine," the Doctor said. "Are you ok?" Clara asked she was worried, I nod but that was a bad idea.

My headache got worse I slam my eyes shut and grit my teeth. 'I started seeing what looked like memories, my memories but I was not on earth I was on a red planet, people running and playing. Then it change to fire, screams and death I was not liking this, but then I saw me use a machine that was strapped to my chest and then pain.' I opened my eyes and was breathing very heavy like I had just run a marathon. Tears fell from my face, 'those memories feel so real could they have actually happened' I thought.

I looked around and saw shock and worry on the Doctor and Clara's faces. I turned to Dray he was looking at me with a smirk. "Your starting to remember, good" He folded his arms across his chest. Another wave of memories hit me "Ahh!" I screamed and closed my eyes again. 'I saw a man approach me and fall to his knees; it was the Doctor he was crying. I had my hand on his shoulder, and then he stood and turned and hugged me. "Craver I'm so sorry but it's only us left. All the others are dead' he said. The memory changed I had blood on my hands and draconian bodies around me. Dray was standing next to me, "You tried to save them but you failed and you are now my enemy! You could of saved them!"  

I opened my eyes; I had sweat running down my face and was breathing rapidly. All my memories came back, I'm the reason I got kidnapped by Dray, I am a Timelord know as the Craver and I am the Doctor's Daughter...

My Life Just Got Weirder (DW Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang