Chapter 6 - A Normal Adventure....Maybe

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I lifted my head and looked around at everyone in the cave, Dray had a smirk on his face, Clara and Doctor who I now knew a my father had concern expressions on their faces. I looked down at the ground and took deep breaths. "Now you remember don't you, Ryder! Or should I call you by your birth name?" Dray said. He was starting to piss me off, I trying to breaking the chains that were on my wrists. "You think you can break free? Ha have fun trying cause your not going to." Dray turned away going through or the different tools on his desk.

I was getting angrier and it seemed I was getting stronger. So I continued pulling at the chains, "Yea I remember everything and I will break out of these chains!" I yell, grunting. Dray grabbed his energy whip and whipped the cage that Clara and my Dad were in "Shut up or they will be next!" they fell to the floor of the cage. That was it, I suddenly this power surge hit me and my vision went yellowy and I pulled the chains clean of the rock wall. Dray looked at me he look scared and went to run but I pulled him back and through him into the cave wall knocking him unconscious with some sort of energy in had. 'Cool' I thought, I faced the cage, put my hand up and it disintegrated into thin air.

I went to Dray's body and put my hand on his head, wiping his memories of us from his head. I turn to my dad and Clara who were still staring at me in shock and concern. My vision started returning back to normal and I felt light headed. I fell to my knees they both came over to me and my dad kneeled down and hugged me and I hugged back. "Dad I remember...." I said in a low voice. "Oh Craver its ok I've got you, I missed you so much I thought you were dead" he said still hugging me. "I missed you too...Dad" was the last thing I said before I passed out in my fathers arms.

I slowly started to regain consciousness, I could hear the sounds of the TARDIS humming calmly and I also realised I was on a bed. I opened my eyes an looked around the room I was in, it was my room on the TARDIS. I sat up and turned so I was sitting on the edge of the bed. I ran my hands through my hair and took a deep breath. I got into the shower in my ensuite, the water was a bit red from some cuts I had obtained for Dray. They stung as the water cleaned them but after that stopped I washed my hair. After I completely washed I turned the shower off, got out and dried myself. Then I went into the wardrobe, I grabbed a black t-shirt that had a dragon on it, knee length jean shorts and a pair of red converse.

I walked to the control room I found Clara was asleep on one of the chairs and the Doctor sitting in a lounge chair on the upstairs level, reading a book. My dad didn't notice me until I flicked a switch on the console, "Craver you awake" Dad said as he put the book down and run down the stairs to me, hugging me. Clara woke up as we broke the hug, "Yea I'm up and I prefer to be called Ryder, dad" I replied. "Ok well how are you feeling?" Clara asked before the Doctor could.

"I'm good, having a shower helped. I'm so sorry that I got you two kidnapped" I looked at the floor. "Hey it's ok and it's over now let's move on, ok" my dad patted my back lightly. "How about an adventure?" Clara suggested "Yep I'm in!" I replied with excitement. "Ok then adventure it is" the Doctor laughed and started to fly the TARDIS,I joined him in flying the TARDIS flicking switches and toggling buttons. It was a ruff ride and well all fell over and laughed on the floor.

I opened the doors, we had landed in an alley way in a city. We walked to the nearest road and looked around, people were rapidly walking in every direction and cars were stuck in traffic. "Wow it's so busy, where are we?" I asked, the Doctor looked around and found a newspaper on a chair. "Well the year is 2015 and my guess is we are in Brisbane city, Australia, Earth. I've never been in Australia before, this is exciting" my dad said. I laughed at his reaction.

"So what do we what to do while we are here?" he asked. I looked around and I saw a sign for a cinema near by. "How about we see a movie? I know it's not as exciting but..." Clara cut me off. "That sounds great it's a change from the alien wanting to kill us or take over the world. Let's go" she smiled as did the Doctor. We walked to the cinema there was hardly any people just the people who worked there and occasionally some seniors and parents with children. "So what movie are we going to see?" my dad asked, I looked at all the movies that were showing. " about Chappie?" I suggest, they looked at the movie poster then at me. "Sounds good" Clara replied. We got our tickets and snacks and sat at the back of the movie theater.

"That was a good movie, I cried a bit though" I said as we were walking out of the movies. "I liked it and I cried as well" Clara said, "I was a good movie" my dad added in a plain tone. I laughed a little. We walked around the city for a little bit, looked in some shops which the Doctor hated and we had lunch at a chocolate cafe. We were walking back to the TARDIS my dad and Clara were just ahead of me, I was bit behind just being in my own little world. All of a sudden I'm grabbed from behind by a metal head covering my mouth so I couldn't scream. It took me into a little warehouse shed and through me to the ground. "DAD!!" I yelled hoping he would hear me but I don't think he would. "You will be silent" a mechanical voice said flashing blue as it spoke. "No you can't make me!" I had to open my mouth didn't I, a metal fist knocked me unconscious.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2016 ⏰

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