Valentines Day

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I was sort of glad that I was working on Valentines Day, it was a big distraction from the dread of being single. Too many empty boxes of chocolate were killed last year, I wasn't about to have that happen again.
The coffee shop was packed, I thought Valentines day would be a little more quiet, but I was wrong. Half way through the day my hair was falling down from my bun and no time to fix the strands in the busy day. Needless to say, I wore my effort upon my face.
"Hey, (y/n). Table seven has been waiting for some service. Chop chop." My boss told me as I stuffed my notepad in my apron pocket and rushed to the table.
"I'm sorry sir. Things are a bit hectic today. So what will it be?" I looked up and my jaw dropped. The man just gave a bright smile, as if he had seen that look so many times, "I will have an Earl Grey tea and a cinnamon bagel please."
It took me a minute to catch up and I snapped out of it, "Oh, of course sir." I said writing the order down.
"You look like you have been working hard." he told me. I smiled at him and nodded, "Yeah, but I'm used to it."
"No date tonight?" He asked. I blushed and shook my head. "Why not? Such a beautiful lady." He stated, making my face even more red.
"I'll uhm...get your order as soon as possible." I smiled and went back into the kitchen. I looked at my boss who was standing there laughing at my red face, he must have been watching me make a fool of myself.
"I can't believe you did that to me, Tony."
"Oh, you loved it and you know it. You talk about Tom Hiddleston all the time, I thought you would be more thankful to the person that-"
"Yeah, save it man...Thanks."
Tony smiled, "Get back to work slacker." he laughed as I walked away. I prepared his tea and cut and toasted his bagel. I tried to block out the noise of the bustling kitchen. A few more hours and I'll be free to sit at home in a bath reading a book.
My bones ached for that, I would do anything for that. I finally took his plate to his table and placed it in front of him, "There you go. Tea and bagel."
"Oh thank you very much-"
"Oh, Hello (y/n). how are you doing on this Valentines day?" Oh good Lord. No! My Ex was sitting at the table next to Tom. My eyes went wide, "I'm fine, thank you Derek." I bit my tongue. The feeling of his name on lips left a horrible taste in my mouth.
Tom looked at me and then to him curiously. Derek sat next to Tom and looked up at me, "Yeah. Sure looks like it." he said sarcastically.
"Excuse me, Derek but I do not think Tom has asked you to sit here.
"Hey, Tom. Did you know this chick has a huge crush on you?" he asked. Tom just looked as if he were ambushed. My face got red and I tried keeping my composure, "Derek, stop. Or I will get the boss involved-"
"hey! Stop your talking and get me a coffee and a donut." I rolled my eyes and left for his coffee, I couldn't stand him. He was going to embarrass me, tell Tom everything just to get back at me breaking up with him. It wasn't my fault, What kind of boyfriend asks for a new years kiss and goes off kissing another woman instead of me?
I came back with his food, about to set it down when I saw Tom still being terrorized by him, "Derek, please. Sit at your own table."
"Hey Tom, she has a pillowcase with your face printed on it, not to mention..."
"Derek, stop this. You're going to cause a scene."
Tom opened his mouth to say something but he was hushed by him as he kept on rambling, "the paintings and the stories...oh and the songs she mixed with your voice in them. Creepy right."
"The only thing creepy about this situation is you Derek, leave the poor man alone."
"Make me, you no good, unsuccessful, desperate bitch!" Tom's eyes went wide, a little shocked at what he had just said. I couldn't take it anymore, everyone in the shop started to stare at me but I stood there, holding my ground, "Go away, whore. The gentlemen are talking."
I didn't move and so he pushed me further, "Look at you, alone once again on a Valentines Day. How many boxes of chocolate did u wolf down this time? All of this could've been avoided if you stayed with me. Now, you're just an ugly working dog scrounging around for tips while you watch everyone else be-"
"ENOUGH!" Tom's voice shot through the room and I jumped, dropping the plate in my hands. I spilt the hot coffee all over me, I looked at Tom with a red embarrassed face, trying to hold back the tears. I left the room quietly going back to the kitchen, "(y/n)? what happened?" Tony asked.
I couldn't say anything, I was on the verge of a panic attack, I just merely pointed to Tom and Derek through the window.
"I have never seen such a horrid treatment of a lady before in my entire life." Tom said forcefully.
"Lady? You kidding me? Did you see her?"
"Yes, and to think after working so hard she had to put up with you. How can you call yourself a gentleman when you sit here, telling me every personal detail? You are so full of bile and bad manners, Sir. And I am so happy you are ALONE on Valentines Day, to save every woman on the face of this planet from the likes of you."
"Is there a problem here?" Tony had finally came out to break up the situation. Tom looked at Tony, "No, Derek here was just leaving." Tom straightened his suit as he watched him leave the shop.
"I am awfully sorry about that." Tony apologized.
"Oh, it isn't your fault. I cant blame the whole business because of one customer. Where is the waitress that served me? Is she alright?"
"I let her take the rest of the day off, she was pretty shaken up about seeing her ex here."
"Did she leave already?"
"She should be at the parking lot by now."
"Thank you." Tom bolted out the door and into the parking lot to see me opening the door to my car, "Hey!" Tom caught up to me and I just wanted to hide. I waited for him to approach me, "I apologize for the-"
"No no no. Don't be sorry, I'm sorry." He smiled. "I never asked your name."
I stood there a little shocked. "It's (y/n)."
"(y/n). Wow." Tom smiled. "Well, (y/n). would accompany me on a date?"
"....I'm sorry, did you just say-"
"Yes, I did. What do you say?"
"Honestly, Thomas. It is immensely sweet that you have asked me that. I'm glad that I have met you on this dreadful day. But the only thing I want to do is go home."
"Okay." he still looked very happy. "We can have a date at home." I laughed. "Let me guess, you're not going to take no for an answer?"
I sighed and looked back up at him, "Fine, get in."
"You mind if I drive the lovely lady home?
I giggled and nodded and handed him the keys, "Might as well make your day."
He opened the passenger door for me and he drove me home, the ride was silent for a while. I just kept staring at him, "What is it?" he chuckled.
"I'm sorry, but-"
"Don't you have anything better to do on a Valentines day? Like dating a super model?"
"Ehehe! Who says I'm not dating one right now?"
I blushed, what? From any other man's mouth it would've sounded so cheesy. "Well, you sure know how to flatter someone..."
"Flattery is for men who don't know what they are doing. I only speak the truth."
My lips parted in surprise and I bit my lip trying to hide a smile. He finally pulled up to my house and opened my door. "Your home Milady."
"Thank you." I opened the door and turned on the lights. "Make yourself comfortable, I am going to freshen up."
"Alright. Take your time if you like." he stuck his hands in his pockets and watched me climb the stairs to my room.
I was in the bathroom when I smelt something burning, I bolted from the room and ran downstairs to see Tom, working in the kitchen.
"What on earth is going on?"
Tom looked at me a little helpless, "I was trying to make you dinner." he said stirring the chicken in a pan on high. I face palmed and tried turning the knob down but the chicken started popping oil, landing on my skin in little droplets, "OW!"
"I'm awfully sorry." it looked like he was cooking something else on the stove and the pot started to overflow. I tried so hard not to laugh as I turned the knob on that one down, "OOF!" he slipped on the mess that fell to the floor from the pot.
"Hahaha!" I couldn't help it anymore, I burst out laughing and he looked up at me strangely, "What is so funny?" he asked a little embarrassed.
"Seeing that butt of yours smack the floor just made my day." I laughed a little harder. Tom smiled and started to laugh too. "You're not mad?"
"Mad? No. Even if it was a failed attempt, it's the sweetest thing any guy has done for me in a while." I offered my hand to help him up and he stood. "Now, shall we order some take out or no?"
Tom looked at the recovering stove and nodded his head, "Take out sounds nice."
"Indian or Thai?" I asked picking up the phone.
"Indian." I called the place and ordered and after a while the doorbell rang and Tom paid the man. We sat and ate at the table, "So, tell me about yourself?" he asked.
"Ask away, I'm an open book."
"Favorite book?"
"(Fav bk)."
"Favorite movie?"
"(fav movie)"
"Favorite color?"
"(fav color)."
"Haha! You are so fast on the answers. I got to step up my game."
"Bring it, Englishman."
Tom smiled at me, "Oh, feisty." he thought a moment. "Where did you meet Derek?
"Ugh." I groaned. "I met him in high school, forever ago...we started dating a few years after my graduation and I recently broke up with him on New Years."
"He sounds like a man who likes to call the shots. I didn't like what he said to you."
"Yeah, neither did I...I'm-"
"Stop it."
"Stop being sorry. That charade in the shop was not your fault. Do not beat yourself up about it."
I blushed. "Okay, I'll try."
"Oh boy," he put down his glass of wine and stood up to turn on the radio. "You know what I do with people who try?" he asked
He offered his hand, "I dance with them." I took hand and he started to slow dance with me. The events of the day and the exhaustion from it landed my head on his shoulder, "Why are you being so sweet to me?" I asked.
"Because you deserve it." he kissed my head.
He spun me once slowly and led me to the couch, "What is on television tonight..." he took the remote and flipped through the channels as I cuddled up with a blanket. "Doctor Who!" I exclaimed. He chuckled and stopped at the show.
"You going to sit all the way over there all night?" he asked me. I smiled, scooting over and sharing my blanket. As we watched T.V. I tried keeping my heavy eyes open but I could not. Just as I started to doze off, Tom, woke me up gently, "(y/n), Dear..."
"Hmm?" I opened my eyes to see him smiling down at me. "I have to get back home, darling."
I looked a little disappointed, Tom was so comfy, "Okay. Thank you for tonight, I really needed it."
"You're welcome." he whispered. "But I would love to get to know you better, can I come back and see you again?" he asked. I looked up at him and nodded, "Of course." I kissed him on the lips, still half asleep. Tom's face of surprise quickly changed into satisfaction, "I'll leave you a note, my dear. Sleep."
My eyes fluttered shut and he took a pen and paper, writing down a few words before he hailed a taxi home.
I woke up in the morning to see the note, "My dearest, (y/n). Last night was lovely. I haven't had that much fun in so long. I would like to see you again..."
He completed the note with his number and I laid back down, clutching the note to my chest, "Happy Valentines Day to me."

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