Coffee Shop Flirting.

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My friend and I had finally set aside a day to go out and catch up, we settled at. Panera in a small town in London, "So, tell me any guys in your life (Y/n)?"
"It's me you're talking about, no guy will ever give me a second look."
"Oh come on (y/n). Don't be like that." She laid a comforting hand on mine. I sipped my coffee and shook my head, "Good Chaps are really hard to find."
"Well, they wouldn't be good if they were easy to find, would they?" She replied. I'm so happy her and I could chat like this, she always had a way of lifting my spirits.
"You need to get back into dating, you're such a workaholic. Love yourself a little bit."
"Harder than it sounds, believe me."
"But worth it."
A familiar famous face arrived in the coffee shop and our eyes shot wide open, "Hello, can I get an earl grey and a scone please?" He said to the barista.
"Yes of course."
"Is that who I think it is?" I asked my best friend.
"It's Tom Hiddleston!" She whispered with excitement.
He sat on the other side of the room and noticed we were stealing glances. He gave us a smile and we turned away to giggle like the fan girls we were. He just shook his head and sipped his tea, reading what looked like a script in his hand.
My friends phone rang, "hello?" She answered. "Oh yes, I'll be right there." She hung up the phone and looked at me apologetically.
"Go on, duty calls."
"Thanks, I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize for working, Hun. It's okay."
She smiled gratefully and gave me a departing hug. It was my day off so, why not just sit here in this quiet shop and read a book? I had nothing else to do today anyway.
I pulled out my book and started reading, occasionally stealing glances at the handsome man I could clearly see across the room. He was so focused and concentrated, no wonder he was such a great actor. I must have been staring for too long because our eyes met. I immediately averted my eyes and blushed wildly. He couldn't help but smile at me and stare back, oh God no!
He was playing the game too, I was sure I was going to lose.
I could feel his eyes upon me as I peeked out from my book. He gave me an evil glare and I smiled, still trying to hide from his gaze. I didn't mean to distract him, I just wanted to admire him from a far.
I peeked out one more time and he was still giving me that flirtatious glare, a few giggles escaping me.
He stood up and approached me, "Hello there."
I looked up at him with huge doe eyes, "Hi." He smiled at me fondly and sat across from me.
"What's your name?"
"(Y/n)" I said almost whispering.
"That's a lovely name. Where did your friend go?"
I cleared my throat and calmed a little more, "she had to go to work."
"And left you all alone?"
"I can't blame her, she's doing what she loves."
Tom could see something was bothering me.
"What's going on? You look a bit bewildered."
"My boyfriend of almost a year decided to just disappear."
"That's awful. Why on earth would he do that?"
"I don't know, maybe something I did or said...or didn't do. Either way he's gone and I don't know why."
"He's an idiot to do that to someone as beautiful as you." He smiled.
"Thanks..." I sighed and a tear dropped from my eye. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"
Tom looked at me with compassionate eyes, "Its fine. Don't be sorry for showing your true feelings."
"I just met you though, this isn't exactly how I pictured meeting you." I said wiping my face.
"Oh? And how have you pictured it?" He gave me a smirk that made me blush. I shook my head and straightened when I was done recovering.
"I'm a fan girl, Tom. I'm sure you know what goes on in our minds."
"Every fan girl is different."
"Oh, you're right about that."
"Tell me?"
It took me a while to confess because it was so embarrassing, or at least it was to me, "Fine, I pictured us going on some sort of adventure I guess."
"Like a date?" He asked. My red face gave him his answer and he laughed.
"You're cute when you blush, (y/n)."
I hid my face with my hands and he laughed a bit more, "I like this game, how red can I make the fan girl's face?"
I propped my elbows on the table before taking my hands away, "Oh, dear." I brushed the hair from my face. Tom just looked at me with fascination.
"Has this M.I.A. boyfriend of yours taken you out on a date?"
Tom stood from his seat and offered his hand, I looked at it for a moment, "where are we going?"
"I am taking you out on a date you've never had the pleasure of going on."
"Oh please, you don't have to-"
"Trust me, I want to. Come on, I won't bite."
I took his hand and we went to my car, "May I have the keys miss?"
I smiled, "sure." I gave him the keys and he drove down the road to a store. We got out and entered, "what are we doing here?"
"Getting stuff for a picnic."
"A picnic?"
"Yeah, now what would you like to eat?"
I smiled, finally accepting my fate, "surprise me."
Tom beamed on hearing me and grabbed what he thought I would like. He looked like a kid in a candy store. I couldn't help but laugh at his excited face as we went through the store. We also got a blanket and basket for our day at the park and went on our way.
As we drove down the road to the park, I stared at him a little confused. Why would he want to do this for me?
Did he feel sorry for me? Or did he really believe that I deserved it? I wasn't going to lie, no guy has ever done this for me. It made me feel precious.
"Do I have something on my face?" He joked seeing me all wide eyed. I shook my head and snapped out of it, "No."
He returned his eyes to the road with a smirk on his face. We pulled in and he opened my door for me and offered his arm, "Thank you."
"You're welcome."
We found a lovely spot under a tree and Tom set up everything. I then started staring at him again, tilting my head in utter confusion.
"What?" He caught me once more.
"I'm sorry, it's just..."
"Just what?" He asked curiously.
"Don't you have... I don't know, movie star stuff to do? I don't mean to sound rude but-"
"I'm in between scripts right now, so no I don't have anything better to do." He winked.
"But I'm just an ordinary woman. Why hang out with me?"
"Because you're not just an ordinary woman." He sat down and patted the spot next to me. I sat down and he set his arm around my shoulders. A rush swept through me like wildfire, it was warm and pleasing.
"So, what do you do for a living?" He asked.
"I'm a housekeeper and going to school in the summer for cosmotology."
"Really, that sounds exciting."
"Terrifying is more like it. I have to get my license to become a special effects makeup artist."
"Wow, that's some job. I can't tell you how many hours  I've spent in the make up chair they really do an astounding job."
I smiled and Tom looked a bit satisfied that he had finally lightened my mood, "Look at that!" Tom exclaimed.
"What?" I looked around trying to see what he was talking about.
"You can smile."
Oh no. That made me blush even worse than I did before and I covered my face with my hands again. Tom started laughing seeing my face stricken with bashfulness again. He took my hands from my face, "Your face is too cute to hide."
"Thank you."
He poured us drinks and we continued to talk well into the afternoon.
"So where does this boyfriend of yours live?"
"He lives here in England."
"Well, let me know where he works and I'll kick his ass for you. No one deserves to be treated like he's treated you."
"Thank you Tom. I'd rather not waste my time with him anymore. He's not worth just still hurts."
"It will, but it gets better. I promise." Tom kissed my cheek and I almost gasped, surprised that Tom Hiddleston actually kissed me. My face was as red as a tomato and he laughed, "what's wrong?"
"Tom Hiddleston just kissed me."
"I'm sorry."
"No, no. Thanks I really needed this. You're a sweet guy, Tom."
"You're welcome." Now he blushed. "I want to ask something but..."
"What's that?"
"Can I have your number? Today was lovely. I'd love to do it again." He smiled.
We exchanged numbers and unwillingly ended the night. He drove back to the coffee shop and we said our goodbyes.
"What a lovely guy." I said finally pulling out of the parking lot and driving home.

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