The Kiss of a Fan Girl

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The Kiss of a Fan Girl.

It was finally the perfect, sunny day to go out and have some fun with my friends at the park. My Cosplay friends and I decided to LARP a scene from the Avengers. I was in my Black Widow costume and wig. I met my other friends there and we all started to role play, running around the park like the little geeks we were. Everyone watching us were either entertained or annoyed but we didn't care, we were enjoying ourselves.
"We've been hit. does anyone copy?" my friend, Jake said from one of the picnic tables.
"This is Agent Romanov...I copy."
"This is Agent Romanov, I copy." I looked up to see a couple of preppy girls from school, Emily and Katie, laughing at my friends and I. I stood up and smiled at them, "That's okay, you both wish your asses looked this good in a Black Widow suit."
"At least we aren't trying to be someone we are not." Emily said. I laughed a bit, "You mean stuck up, rich slut bags with fake ass implants? isn't that position already filled by Kim Kardashian?" I asked. Katie gasped, clearly insulted.
"Ooh, the nerd has insults, does she?" Emily asked.
"Ooh, the bitch has a stuffed bra does she?" I asked pulling out the toilet paper sticking out of her bra. My friends looked on, laughing at them. They knew I had this. She blushed in embarrassment, until she came up with an idea. "We bet you fifty dollars that you cant pick up a guy in that uniform."
I laughed, "You're kidding me right?" I asked.
"You're right. that's like a mission impossible for a nerd like her." Katie laughed at her comment.
"I'll take that bet." I blurted out.
"Oh, this is going to be good..."
"Alright...yes, thank you for letting me know...bye." Tom hung up his phone and took a deep breath. "No rest for the wicked..." he said, getting out of his car. Although he loved his work, it was overwhelming sometimes. He just wanted to take a little break before the next meeting he had, he took a look at the coffee shop nearby. "Hello scone and Earl Grey tea." He walked in and came out to sit on a picnic table in the park, hoping to enjoy the silence and not be bothered as he studied his new script.
he sipped his tea and took a look around, spotting us in our little costumes, "Haha, cute." Tom watched us, at what he thought was Larping but he then realized we were being made fun of. Emily took a scan of the park and spotted Tom sitting there, carefully observing us.
"Kiss him." She knew it was Tom but from a distance, he looked like a regular guy to me.
"Fine, but I get fifty dollars from both of you." I demanded. Emily and Katie giggled. "Yeah right. I don't think so." I pulled out my phone and took a picture of Emily's lopsided bra, "Hey!" she went to grab it but I pulled it away.
"Fifty dollars from each of you or this picture goes all over the net." I threatened. Emily looked at her friend.
"Fine. If you chicken out, you have to wear that uniform to school tomorrow."
"That's a punishment? alright that's a deal." I walked over to the man sitting at the picnic table, the closer I got the more familiar he became, "Tom Hiddleston?" he looked up from his script and smiled, "That's me."
"I am sorry, I didn't mean to-"
"No, no. you're not bothering me. What's up?"
"No, never mind... I feel so embarrassed now. I'll just leave you alone..." I went to walk away.
"No, come sit. I always have time for a fan."
"Okay..." I sat down nervously.
"So, Agent Romanov. How did you handle those snobs over there?"
"Oh." I laughed. "You saw that?"
"I saw that they were making fun of you and your friends. I just don't know what they said." he stated not looking up from his script.
"Yeah, when you're a fan girl it comes with its down sides." I looked down in a bit of insecurity. Tom looked up at me to see my distress, "What did they say?"
"I... Made a bet with them."
"Yeah, I get a hundred bucks if I kiss you." I blurted. I braced myself for him to look at me strangely and walk away. I looked up at him, knowing that he didn't budge, "I didn't know it was you I swear. I couldn't see you from a distance.
"What are you waiting for?" Tom sat back and gave me a bright smile. My heart felt like it stopped and exploded.
"I'm sorry?"
"Kiss me." he almost demanded.
"Are... you sure?" I asked.
"I'd do it if I could get one hundred dollars from two mean ones like them."
"Okay..." I sat next to him and reluctantly leaned in and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. Tom laughed seeing my red face. "Sorry..."
"Don't be. it was a sweet kiss." he smiled.
"Thank you." I said bashfully.
"You're welcome, go collect your prize."
"The only prize was getting to kiss you, just saying...But okay." I left him, making my way back to the two sluts that stood there with their mouths open.
"Cough it up, bitches." I held out my hand and they handed me each fifty dollars with expressions of defeat upon their faces.
"Oh my God." Emily said, looking off into the distance. I looked over to see Tom approaching us, "Hey, sorry. I didn't catch your name."
"Oh, how rude of me. Its, (y/n)."
"Well, (y/n). I just came over here to tell you that you missed." he said, winking at me.
"Yes, you were supposed to kiss me..." he took me by surprise by kissing me on the lips. "Right there."
The girls gasped at the sight and walked away, utterly defeated. I couldn't help but laugh at the ridiculous situation I found myself in, "What is so funny?"
"I never knew I would win a bet with those idiots and kiss a celebrity in a Black Widow suit on the same day." I said with a bit of sarcasm thrown at myself. He laughed, "Feels good doesn't it?"
"It does." I blushed.
"Come here, you." he hugged me. "You just brightened up my day by coming over to me."
"I did?"
"Yeah, no joke." he smiled.
"Well, I'm glad." I looked over at my friends who were standing there in awe, "Uhm...Would you like to meet my friends?" I asked.
"I can always spare some time." he walked with me to my friends who were obviously delighted to meet him, after all of the hand were shook and all the hugs were given he stopped and glanced at me, "Since you and your lovely friends gave me such a lovely afternoon...." He pulled a few tickets out of his pocket, "I would love all of you to attend the premier of The Age of Ultron tonight."
"Are you kidding me?" I said along with along with the group that surrounded me, each one of us were in disbelief.
"It would be a delight for all of you to come..." he said to each one of us and then looked at me, "Especially you." he winked and handed the tickets to us. "Well, I hate to leave such a wonderful group of people, but duty calls."
"You'll see us at the premier."
"I'll hold you to it."
he bid us fare well and smiled as he heard us scream and cheer.
"Oh my Goodness. Look at (y/n) she's in a dress, guys!"
I rolled my eyes approaching my four LARP friends, Jake, Dave, Danny and Ben with my best friend.
"Look at Amanda. Damn you two clean up nicely." Ben said. the rowdy cat calls, the boys were teasing us with drew some attention from some of the other fans, "Hush, you little boys!" I laughed. "People are looking."
"Let them look. This is our day, remember?" Dave said.
"No, this is Tom's day. We're here for support."
"He gave the tickets for us to feel like stars tonight, in my opinion." Danny stated. Tom's car pulled up and he climbed out in a gorgeous velvet blue suit. He spotted us and smiled, "Hey all of you, come with me."
We followed him, shuffling into the theater, sitting next to him. Tom left to give some kisses and hugs to some of the familiar faces he knew and then sat back down, "Sorry about that." he said, looking me up and down. I smiled, "All in a days work?"
"Ehehe! yes, it is."
"Must be some life you've got." I said truthfully. he only laughed again and sat next to me.
"You look lovely tonight. What is that? Christian Dior?" He joked. I laughed and shook my head, "Ralph Lauren. Got it from Goodwill for ten dollars." I whispered.
"You are kidding me."
"Nope, check the tag, my friend." Tom pulled out the tag to see I wasn't lying. "What a bargain hunter you are. Now I feel so common..." He joked. "This is a rental."
"Really?" I turned to him surprised.
"Yes. I wouldn't spend five hundred dollars on a suit like this." he said, whispering.
"Well, no wonder its five're in it." I joked.
"You're a little flirt." he chuckled. "I'm amazed that you and your friends aren't swooning over the stars here tonight."
The movie started and Tom and I carried on our conversation, "It's London, England. Its not uncommon, but this is the first time we were ever invited to something like this." I whispered. "It was a very nice thing you did for us, Tom."
"You really want to know why I did it?"
"Because you love your fans?"
"Ehehe! not just that. I was made fun of in school too, I didn't want someone who appreciates film as much as you and your friends do, to suffer humiliation."
"Thank you, Tom. That is really sweet."
"It would be sweeter if I could get out of this VIP party after the movie."
"Why? That sounds amazing."
"I'm tired of the amazing, the suit and ties and the glittery of those days where I just want to disappear."
I sat back and thought a moment. Disappear? My friends and I could help him with that, "What about my friends and I take you out and show you a real night of fun?"
Tom looked at me a bit interested, "Really?"
"Mhm." I nodded. "What do you say?"
"I don't know...I'm watched like a hawk all of the time."
"Well, when the credits start rolling, we can sneak out. How about that?" I asked him. He smiled and nodded.
I turned to my friends to tell them all and they all agreed, "Its done, prepare for an awesome night." I smiled at him. He couldn't help but smile back, I don't think he ever met a fan who treated him like a normal person before.
"Psst! (y/n). Credits, lets go." Dave whispered.
"Come on, Tom. Lets blow this joint."
Tom followed us out as we all started walking the streets of London. "So, (y/n)? What shall we do first?" Danny asked me. I looked at Tom, "Thomas William Hiddleston, I now bestow upon you one night of normalcy." I giggled.
"Oh, do you?"
"Yes, and the first mission of not being famous is to eat at a normal restaurant, Pizza anyone?" Everyone else agreed and Tom nodded, "Good, lets go."
"Which Parlor?"
"Alba's is the closest. We can take it to go and eat at the beach." I said, walking in as my friends followed with Tom in the midst of them, shuffling in. "Two large pepperoni pizzas please, with a two liter of Pepsi." I asked the man at the counter as he charged us, "That will be twelve dollars."
Tom pulled out his wallet and I stopped him, "Put it away, my good sir. its our turn to treat you." Tom smiled and put his wallet back in his pocket. I pulled out a ten dollar bill, "Anyone have two dollars?"
Danny and Ben each contributed a dollar and we were on our way. Amanda and Dave started singing loudly as we walked down the path to the beach, "Wont you...Staaaay with me!"
"Cuz, you're all I need."
Tom laughed and couldn't help himself, "This is love its clear to wont you stay with me!"
"Hey Ben, give me a piece of pizza." Danny said.
"No, lets wait until we get to the beach..." Ben replied.
"Come on, man.." Danny tried opening the box but Ben started running towards the beach with him hot on his trail. Soon enough, everyone was running leaving Tom and I behind.
"Want to join them?" he asked.
"Hold on..." I took my heels off and kissed Tom's cheek again and took off running towards the beach, "Hey, come back here!" Tom chased after me but didn't catch me until my feet hit the sand, "Gotcha!"
"Ah! haha!" I laughed in surprise as he caught me. he turned me around, "You missed."
"Did I?"
"Cheeky, you are." he kissed me on the lips again.
"Oooh, what was that one for?"
"For helping me feel like I can stop and take a breath and forget everything. For helping me feel normal...Thank you."
"Any time, Tom." I smiled. "I should be thanking you though, saving me from those bimbos back there, this afternoon."
"Tit for tat my dear. All water under the bridge." Tom looked out at the water crashing onto the shore. Immediately he took his shoes and socks off and ran towards it.
"Looks like Tom has unleashed his wild side." I heard Jake say in the background. I picked up my skirts and joined him, "Hey there." I splashed him and he froze. "Oh no! I forgot it's a rental..." Tom's expression changed to a smile and he splashed me back.
I heard even more splashing when my friends started galloping into the water, dancing and kicking up the waves. The guys started singing again and Tom had a wild look in his eyes, My eyes went wide, I knew that look. I got it a lot with all my other guy friends so I started running, "Oh no you don't! he scooped me up in his arms and dunked me into the water, I surfaced only to glare at him, "Thomas!"
he laughed and offered his hand but I pulled him in with me instead, "Oof!" he landed in the water with a splash and he laughed hysterically. "Having fun?" I asked.
"Yes." he kissed my cheek. I smiled brightly at him, "You missed."
"Where?" he asked with a cheeky grin.
I gave him a peck on the lips, "Right there." he smiled as I kissed him and he lingered longer and kissed me again.
"You and your friends are super crazy."
I laughed, "Tell me about it."
"And super nice. not one fan has ever done this for me."
"Maybe because they don't think they can."
"I should do this more often."
"I agree, you should."

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