You are Beautiful

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"I am about twenty minutes away from it...Yes, I know I am late. I had to take a country road to cut through traffic." Tom wasn't in the best mood. He had missed his speech at the Unicef Gala and he was cursing at himself for not letting his agent pick him up.
"I'll be there shortly and then-" POP! Suddenly the car slanted to one side. "That was nothing. I'll be there soon, don't worry." he hung up the phone and climbed out of the car to see that he had driven over a steep pot hole and the wheel had popped off. His hands ran over his face in frustration as he opened the trunk,
"Are you kidding me?" Tom started to panic inside. This wasn't happening. After finishing High Rise and tons of press conferences and interviews...this had to happen. Forget about the movie interviews, He was one of the main supporters of Unicef. What was he to do? He could call his agent again but he knew that he used up his battery.
The only thing he could do is walk to find the nearest bar or something, he took his wallet and keys from the car and started walking up the road. The place was deserted for what seemed like miles until he had stumbled upon a few houses accompanied by a rather ritzy building booming with music, "Finally." he started running and darted into the building to find that it was a hotel.
"Hey Darling." a woman called for him at the desk. "Can I help you?"
"Yes, my car broke down a little ways down the road and I was wondering if you had a phone I could use." he huffed out.
"I'll go and talk to the boss, Sir. Sit tight and relax." she said. Tom stood at the desk and listened to the music that was playing in the ballroom, "Excuse me. What event is going on here?" he asked. Maybe it was his Gala. wouldn't it be a stroke of luck?
"Oh. The church just up the road had a few people go to Syria with Unicef to help end hunger. The missionaries weren't invited to the upscale Gala they're having in Nashville not too far away. The kids were so disappointed that they weren't going to see their favorite stars speak tonight, so we had our own shindig here."
"Wow. I am so sorry to hear that." Tom bit his tongue. How mad would this woman be if he told her that he was Tom Hiddleston?
"Do you mind if I?"
"Go on. Admission is free, sweetheart."
Tom smiled at the woman at the desk, "Thanks."
He walked in to see tables of food and people sitting down or swaying with their partner on the dance floor and a balcony that over looked the country.
"Oh, here, Darling you can use my cell phone. The boss is on a business call." the woman said handing him her phone, "Thank you."
"You're welcome."
Tom took the call from outside on the balcony, "Hey...Yeah I know its over. My car has a flat and I am at the Crimson Hotel on Dean Street." he said over the phone. His agent raised his voice to him, "Don't get angry with me. I should be angry that the managers of the Gala have failed to invite the people who worked so hard from the church not too far from the place that I am at."
His agent muttered something over the phone, "You cannot tell me that. They are fans who probably had to get a summer job to afford such a missions trip. That dinner would've been the great reward for their good work."
His agent tried to console his worries, "No, not yet...Why? I think I just told you why. I'm making lemons out of lemonade. You are free to come if you like." he hung up the phone and didn't notice you sitting on the chasse in your beautiful (f/c) dress.
"Forgive me. I didn't notice you there."
"Don't worry. I'm a quiet one." you shivered.
"What are you doing out here?" He asked sitting in a chair next to you. You swallowed back the rest of your tears, "The noise can get a bit stressful."
Tom chuckled in agreement, "Yes, I know how that feels. Sometimes you need silence for peace of mind." he told you, searching your (e/c) eyes. "How rude of me, what is your name madam?"
"(Y/n). Its nice to meet you, Tom." you smiled.
Tom laughed a bit, "Clever lady. Well, I am glad someone here knows who I am."
"Yeah." you sniffled and Tom's intuition went haywire.
"Alright. Tell Tom what is ailing you."
"What? No, its nothing."
"Is that why your mascara is running?" he took his jacket and draped it over your shivering frame. You blushed, "I..uh. I got stood up. I had a date but he is here with someone else." Seriously? The irritation was too much for Tom to handle. This gorgeous young thing was shivering in the cold sad and depressed in the finest dress he had ever seen.
"Where is he? I'll go and beat him up for you." Tom told you. You shook your head laughing a bit, "No that is alright. It is appreciated though. I can understand why he did it." you looked down at your hands on your lap. Tom leaned forward and looked you in the eyes, "It is never a good excuse for a man to lever such a beautiful woman out here crying in the cold."
"Stop it." you blushed and bit your lip.
"Well, it is true. Do you not believe me?" he asked.
"Its not that..."
"I see." Tom said. "You don't realize how beautiful you are." he sat back in his chair and you looked up with shiny eyes, he stared at you like he was admiring a painting, "What?" you blushed.
"I'm just enjoying the view."
You laughed. What? It didn't even sound cheesy coming out of his mouth. Tom just sat back and listened to the sound, "I bet I can get you to believe it." he challenged you. You sat up intrigued, "Go on then. Persuade me." you flirted.
"Ooh! So you do have a temptress under that shy exterior." he teased. "Your eyes are so direct and hold my attention. They're like (e/c) jewels sparkling in the twilight."
Your lips parted, awestruck at what he had just said. Tom smiled and decided to continue, "I assume you were at this missions trip with Unicef right?"
"Such a caring spirit you have to be so selfless and sacrifice your free time to help someone in need...That is quite attractive."
You giggled. He was loving this, you did too he was lightening your mood.
"Oh, those cheekbones-"
"Ah! Let me do this one." you interrupted. "Your cheekbones are so sharp I'd cut myself slapping you."
"Why would you want to slap me?" he asked fake pouting. Your eyes widened at that face, you had to hold onto the chair to keep from fan girling.
"You know what I mean." you squeaked out.
"Ehehe! Yeah, I do. I get that a lot actually." The song changed and you looked over into the ballroom with eager eyes. They were playing your favorite song. He smiled knowingly and stood, "Would you care to dance?" he asked holding out his hand. You slipped your soft hand into his and he brought you to the dance floor, "Thank you, Tom."
"For what?"
"For making me feel so much better."
"I should be thanking you. My car broke down. My cell phone is dead and I just walked twenty minutes to get here to use a phone. Not to mention that the people who organized the dinner that I was invited to forgot to include all of you brilliant young people for your efforts."
"Weren't you supposed to speak at that Gala?" You asked. He nodded, "I didn't make it in time."
You left him on the dance floor to make it to the stage and grabbed the mic, "Excuse me for a second...We have a very special guest here tonight. He was sent here by Unicef in apology that the managers of the Gala looked over us tonight. Please give a warm hearted welcome to Tom Hiddleston."
Tom stood frozen for a second but walked up to the stage anyway, "Uh, Thank you (y/n) for that lovely introduction...Well, it is obvious that this is the real party." The crowd laughed. "Seriously. This place id booming with life. No one ever dances at our Galas." The crowd laughed again, "But in all seriousness, I am truly sorry that the event planners didn't see to it that you wonderful, hard working people were able to sit among celebrity royalty tonight. I know how that feels, that is all I ever wanted when I was as young as you. Trust me if I knew that this happened earlier I would've taken a limo to take all of you there. You have much right as anyone to be there in support.
I am humbled by the selflessness in this room, you all earned this day. SO ENJOY IT!" he yelled into the mic as everyone cheered. He looked at you and then spoke up, "Oh, and who ever stood up this beautiful dream in a dress..." he pulled you close and planted a kiss upon your soft lips, "You are one hell of a Jackass."
You both descended down the steps and carried on with your dance, "Alright. I have been persuaded."
"Good. And I didn't even have to act." he teased. "You didn't have to do that for me, (y/n)."
"Well. I believe its what you English folk call tit for tat. I could say the same thing to you. You didn't have to say all of those wonderful things to me."
"Oh yes, I did." Tom smiled. "it was the truth and now you believe it."

Tom Hiddleston One ShotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin