3: Bad Reputation

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3: Bad reputation

Reina Reigns

              “I’m sorry, but could you please repeat that?”

I stood by the front desk at Sands Hotel. The receptionist gave me a look I hate. It was one showing sympathy. “I’m sorry Ms. Reigns, but it’s written here that they canceled your interview.”

I glance at the seven other women who sat in the waiting area doing random activities. Upon my arrival several minutes ago I overheard two of them saying that they were there for an interview for the receptionist position, which is the same position I applied for out of the four open positions that were listed on the hotel’s website.

“Why was my interview cancelled?” I emphasize the word ‘my’ because it was obvious that mine was the only one cancelled.
The blonde woman frown, before she had the chance to say anything I add, “Please, I need to know.”

The woman sigh before making sure that the other women were out of hearing distance. “I can get fired for telling you this Ms. Reigns, but it says here that your previous employer made a complaint about you regarding your unprofessional behaviour and lack of qualifications. He warns all the other Employers in Tourism to consider it thoroughly before they hire you—there is more, but I rather not say.”

I felt a sudden panic as I realized that all hope was lost. This was what it felt like to hit rock bottom. I had only been honest with him, sure I told him where to shove his bonus, but still that did not give him the right to do something so outrageous. Was he really that shallow? Working in the tourism business has always been my major interest, along with starting my business in fashion. I made myself believe I could achieve both.

“I’m sorry Ms. Reigns.” I glance at the woman who is giving me sympathetic looks, before moving my eyes to the name tag she wore which reads ‘Gemma Edwards’.

“It’s not your fault and thank you for your generosity.” I was about to leave when I remember a minor detail.”Oh and don’t worry, I won’t say anything that will jeopardize your job.”

Gemma smile apologetically, “Just a minute Ms Reigns.”

She reach under her desk to grab something, she then held it out to me. It was a blue business card that I stare at confuse.

“My boyfriend Drew Fernandez owns D.Z motor limited, and he needs a new secretary. It pays well and if you are interested, you can just call him. My number is also on the back so you can let me know if you are interested and I will put in a kind word for you.”

I narrow my eyes at the curly hair blonde, wondering why the young woman who I just met would offer me something like this. Sure, she had previously told me confidential information that could cause her to lose her job, but why would she want me to work alongside her boyfriend?

“Are you sure?”

Gemma nods. “You need the job. In a world where men still rules dominant, us women have to look out for each other. It’s the least I can do besides you seem like a pleasant person.”

I nod. Even though these are modern times she was right. It wasn’t as bad as the eighties, but men still had the upper hand. It was sick but the truth, most didn’t see us as equals. “Thank you, Ms. Edwards,” I say taking the card.

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