Flood of Memories

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Night was falling, and Morty had abandoned the pen, as he often did at sundown. That meant Rapunzel was left alone. No matter how long she had slept alone, the mystery and darkness of the night always frightened her. Even though she always wanted to know more, the night always reminded her of the dark side the outside world held.

Not only that, but every night as she lay down with far too much time to think, she would remember her family.

Of course, she had never had all that much time with them to get attached in the first place, but she remembered their faces as each of them climbed out the window. She clearly remembered the few months they had spent working on the makeshift zipline together using whatever twine or twigs they managed to get their hooves on.

Then they went, single file, out the window. One at a time in the little basket they had fashioned. Rapunzel was so close to being able to leave. She had one hoof in the basket, and then bam.


The windows were blocked, the lights were snuffed out, and she was stuck. Alone. Forever.

Obviously she grew up, and Wagatha never left her fully alone again.  She was always watching somehow. I guess it comes with being a witch.

As Rapunzel drifted to sleep, she replayed the scene again and again, eventually lulled to sleep by the torrent of her own thoughts.

As usual, Morty arrived again in the morning, just as the sun was peeking over the horizon.

"You know, I could get you another zipline." He said, reading Rapunzel's mind.

"The window's all boarded up, remember?" She shot defensively.

"I know, I know. I just wanted to help."

Rapunzel sighed. "It's fine. I just... I don't know."

"You want to leave. It's understandable. I would too, but there's not much I can do."

"I-" suddenly she was cut off by a noise.

"Shoot! Gotta go. Wagatha's coming." Morty squeaked suddenly, and then flew out through a knothole.

If Wagatha ever found Morty, he'd be squashed flat. Luckily, she hasn't been able to catch him yet.

Rapunzel sighed. Wagatha's visits were always difficult. Still though, they were unavoidable. She could only hope that this one would go better than usual.

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