Here Comes Wagatha

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With another loud pop, Wagatha herself arrived in the pen.

She had shriveled, green features that were not unlike those of a toad. Her eyes were red and bloodshot, and her teeth were crooked and yellow.  Rapunzel couldn't help but grimace at the sight of her.

"Where'd that darn fly go off too?!" Wagatha screeched as she stomped around the pen. Rapunzel played it safe and stayed silent. "It doesn't matter. Here's your slop you mangey pig." Unlike Morty's teasing, Wagatha meant every mean word she said. Even though Rapunzel wasn't taking her life advise from a witch, it still stung a lot.

"Excuse me." She stuttered. Wagatha whipped around, fury evident in her grotesque features. "I was wondering if I could maybe have a taco today? Or maybe a donut? I've been very well behaved lately."

"Clearly not!" Wagatha wailed. "I saw that fly again! Here." She flicked something onto the ground. "A sprinkle, and a single crumb from the shell. That's all you get today, filthy pig." Wagatha snapped her fingers and the slop she had poured into Rapunzel's trough disappeared.

She was left with the unsettling realization that her asking had gotten rid of her food supply for the day.

Wagatha flashed an atrocious grin. "Didn't see that coming did you?"

Rapunzel gulped.

"Now mark my words. If I see that fly again, It'll be no more than a smudge on the wall."

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