Grand Finale

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There's gonna be a pig making out with a fly (it was Makenzie's idea) so if that makes you uncomfortable than just stop reading here 

After Wagatha left, everything was quiet again apart from the grumbling of Rapunzel's stomach. Or at least, everything WAS quiet.

All of a sudden, there was a bang on the wall that made Rapunzel flinch. Then there was another. And another. And then the wall burst open and in came a bull.

He was fit, and towered over Rapunzel as he huffed in an attempt to catch his breath.

"What are you doing here?" Rapunzel said skeptically, trying to avert her eyes from the bright sunlight pouring in through the hole in the wall.

"Oh, sorry. I'm Bob, the bull prince. I'm here to rescue you from your imprisonment. Although, I'm kind of regretting that. You're ugly."

Rapunzel got up in fury, and kicked Bob right where he didn't want to be kicked. "Don't call me ugly again."

As Bob was keeling over in pain, Rapunzel ripped off both of his horns, and shoved him in the corner of the pen. "Wagatha can take you instead of me." and she took her first steps into the sunlight.

"Rapunzel?" A voice called out. It was Morty. "How did you get out? What happened?"

"It's a long story." Rapunzel looked at the ground. She was feeling fluttery.

"Well I guess you won't be needing me then." Morty said with a hint of disappointment, and turned away.

"Wait!" Rapunzel exclaimed. She paused, choosing her next words carefully. "So what if I don't need you? I want you. That's all that matters."

Then, before either of them could process, they were kissing.

And then Morty was gone. He had been inhaled into the depths of Rapunzel's gullet, never to be seen again.

Rapunzel was heart broken. Her one true love was gone forever, and she couldn't do anything about it.

But she carried on with her life, because she knew that's what Morty would have wanted her to do. 

And she lived happily ever after.

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