~That Gamer Guy~ Colin Ritman

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Your pov

It was a tough week for your little brother, Stefan, to say the least. You saw him rotting away in his room trying to finish Bandersnatch but it just wasn't going well for him. You went to go check on him one day and when you entered his room, he slammed his fist against the desk.

"Stefan?" You cautioned while walking over to him. "Hey, maybe you need a break."

He rotated in his seat and looked at you so frustrated and miserable. "Yeah, that would be nice."


You drove Stefan and yourself to his favourite lunch spot and parked in front. Getting out of the car, Stefan saw someone he knew and hurriedly walked to the sidewalk to say hello.

"Colin?" He said and started fiddling with his fingers. Now that he was in the situation, he didn't know what to say.

Colin looked at Stefan and didn't miss a beat while nodding, "How's it going with Bandersnatch?"

"Frustrating, really really frustrating," He stammered. "But my sister drove us here so we could eat and I could get my mind off of it."

You walked up to the two and eyed Colin suspiciously, "And who are you?"

"I'm Colin," he said and titled his head. You had the thought he was checking you out as his eyes darted over you.

"Ah, yes," You nodded and pointed your finger at him, "You're that gamer guy that my brother always talks about... Want to join us for lunch?"

Colin took a second to think but agreed and followed you two inside. Funny thing it was, though, for the server. He had just left the restaurant only a few minutes ago.


"Eh, they're not my favourite band," You said and skipped through the various records Colin had in his room. "I rather listen to my dad go on about his new food techniques he learned. Which is so boring, may I add."

Colin chuckled from where he sat on his couch, staring at you with a certain look in his eyes.

"I bet that's not too bad."

"Want to bet? You should come to my house sometime... He's also pestering Stefan so much that I think the poor kid is going to snap at him."

"Mm, that's not good. Especially if he's working. Might release his anger on your dad if he messes up or something goes bad. I yelled at someone so badly one time that they quit."

"How charming."

You both had found out that there were many similar interests Colin and you shared. Stefan became wary about you two hanging out - claiming he had terrible dreams where you two being together wasn't the best. You ignored your little brother's concerns and carried out the blooming friendship - or whatever it was - with Colin.

You often caught him observing you, a look of admiration on his face.

Turning around, you took a seat next to him and noticed that he became a little more tense.

"So, did you see your latest reviews on that one show? Stefan had it on and I was listening in. They gave it a good review."

Colin shrugged, "I don't really look at those types of things."

"Oh come on!" You told him exasperated. "It'd help you. You know, some criticism."

"What did you think about the game?" He questioned, more interested in your answer more than a random kid on the television.

"I liked it, but I prefer others games more than yours," You teased and noticed him get visibly upset. "I'm just joking."

"Yeah, yeah," He smiled and placed his hand on your knee. "Well, you better head home, check on Stefan."

You became confused because it was only an hour ago you arrived, "How come?"

"I'm tired and I have a long day tomorrow," He said bluntly and his "Okay," You murmured and collected your things. "Want out hang out on Saturday?"

"I'll have to see."


A couple weeks went by and you heard nothing from Colin. No calls or visits.

You tried to reach out to him but he always said he was busy or didn't have the time to hang out with you.

Thinking you did something wrong to scare him off, you stayed at home and didn't really leave unless it was for meals. And Stefan noticed this.

He knocked on your door and saw that your were laying down with your headphones on. He approached you and took the headphones off, "You alright?"

You shook your head, "Colin's been blowing me off. I don't know what I did."

Stefan sighed and held back the urge to say I told you so, but didn't and mumbled instead, "I don't think it's your fault."

"Why else would he reject me?" You shouted and then apologized to Stefan who moved back a bit. "Sorry, I'm just - I don't know. I thought there was something special between us, you know? We have so much in common and had fun hanging out together. Guess it was all for nothing."

Stefan saw how broken you were over Colin not paying attention to you so he made up his mind on what to do, "I'll be back."


It was later on that night that another knock came to your door. You sighed, not really up to talking to Stefan about Colin or you dad asking if you were hungry.

"Come in, I guess," You mumbled loud enough for the person to hear you. Sitting up on your bed, you could feel some bones cracking because of how long you were laying down.

Colin shyly slid into the room and did an awkward smile.

A lot of thoughts ran through your head. First, you wanted to hit him with a pillow. Second, you wanted to cry. Three, you wanted to push him out. You went with option one.

Chucking a large pillow at him, he tried to dodge it but rather got hit harder, "Hey! Hey! Easy with the pillows."

"You are truly a terrible person."

"I wouldn't say terrible. Im here, aren't I?"

You raged, "After two weeks of rejection! What happened, Colin? Did you lose interest in me and think I wasn't worthy of being in the presence of the Colin Ritman?"

"No, it's not like that!" He said and made a large step to your bed. "I... I just... I couldn't..."

"You couldn't, what?"

"I couldn't see you because I... I have feelings for you."

You were shocked by his statement and gave him a what the hell look.

"I know it's crazy and we've only know each other for not even two months. But, there's something about you that makes my heart sting and my head go high wire and my thoughts filled with how much I love you."

"It's not crazy at all," You comforted him and fully stood up from your bed. "Hearing what you said made me realize I have feelings for you, too. I think that's why I got so mad. I thought I lost a really amazing man."

Colin beamed at you so brightly and rushed forward. He grabbed your face in his hands and kissed you roughly, but you didn't mind. Kissing him back felt like it was an eternity waiting for something like this to happen. And it felt warm and familiar.

"Are you guys okay?" Stefan came into the room and then instantly left. "I wasn't suppose to see that."

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