~Are You Jealous? ~ Mark

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Request for @_shank ! Hope you like it and I'm sorry it took so long, I've been revising and I've also ben sick but yeah!

Warnings: swearing

Lana's pov

"I think she just needs comforting and time away. Why doesn't she come to Sweden with us?" I suggested to the guys and they all looked at me "what? It could help her" I said putting my hands up in defense and Pelle shrugged "I don't see why not" he said and Mark groaned. "you said you were gonna break up with her" Mark said and I rolled my eyes "yeah cuz breaking up with her is the best thing to do after her sister and parents died" Christian said sarcastically

"Cmon dude seriously?" Mark said to me "I'm just tryna look out for her. Girl code" I said shrugging. Mark groaned once again and laid back on the couch. Mark and I are best friends and have been since we were little and sure he can be a bit of a dick sometimes. Okay thats a lie, he's a dick majority of the time but sometimes he has a good reason. "I think Lana's right. Let's invite dani" josh said smiling and I smiled back.

~a few hours later~

We were finally flying and I was sitting by the aisle next to Mark. "I can not believe she's coming with us" he said quietly and I slapped his arm gently "stop being an asshole and just be grateful that we're going to something that's a once in a lifetime thing" I said and he sighed and ordered a coke. The lady asked me if I wanted anything and I just replied with water. "whatchu wanna do to pass the time" he asked me "sleep" I said after taking a sip of water and closed my eyes "lanaaaaa. Wake uppppp. I'm just gonna keep annoying youuuu" I heard Mark said as he was poking my arm. "shut up and go away" I said shoving him away

~in the car~

"oh my god, the women here. What is it that makes Swedish women so much hotter?" mark asked while looking out the window and I rolled my eyes. Classic Mark, always obsessing over how hot girls are. "Hey Pelle, how long is the car journey" dani asked "about four hours" he responded and I thought 'perfect time for more sleep'.

I woke up to someone shaking me awake and I tried to open my eyes but was blinded by the sun "what do you want" I asked "we're here" josh said dragging me out the car. We followed Pelle over to a group of people. "guys this is my brother, Ingemar" pelle said with his arm wrapped over his shoulder "these are my friends, Mark, dani, Christian, josh and lana" he said introducing us and I smiled and shook his hand.

"this is Connie and Simon, my friends from London" Ingemar said introducing his friends to us. He gave us some powder thing and dani had some mushroom tea and we sat on the grass for a while looking at the sky until we started walking through the forest

~at the camp~

Pelle introduced us to a few people before showing us where we would be sleeping. "so everyone sleeps in here?" Christian asked "until you're a certain age yes" he said and I saw Mark sitting on each of the beds, testing them out.

"Mark! That could be someone else's bed" I said and he shrugged. "come on guys. I'll introduce you to a few more people" pelle said and we followed him of course. "this is Astrid (I lowkey just googled Swedish names, don't come at me)" and the girl smiled and I saw her keep staring at Mark. "I think she likes you" I whispered to him and he smirked "really?" he said and I nodded smiling.

I was walking with dani around the camp until I saw Mark and that girl Astrid taking. "who you looking at?" dani asked me bringing me out of my thoughts "just looking at him and the girl. She's been giving me some really weird looks" I said frowning. "how do you mean" "like earlier, I was literally just having a conversation with Mark, and she gave me the dirtiest look ever" I told her "maybe she thinks you two are together" dani responded and I looked at her "me and Mark? Never in my life" I said and we continued to walk.

It was finally dinner time and we all sat down and I looked around for mark "have you seen Mark?" I asked Christian and he shook his head "not after he went off with that girl" "when?" I asked "like an hour ago. Why'd you ask" "no reason" I said and began to eat. My mind started to wonder off to mark and that Astrid girl. I haven't done anything to make her mad so I have no idea why she giving me dirty looks. All of a sudden I see Mark and Astrid walking across the field hand in hand and I frowned. They walked over and sat down opposite me.

After the dinner I ran over to mark and smiled "I see you and Astrid are pretty close" I said winking and he just looked at me "ugh go away" he said and I thought he meant in a joking way "I know right I'm so annoying" I said trying to join in the joke "no seriously, why the hell are you talking to me" he said and I furrowed my eyebrows "is everything okay? You can always talk to me" I asked him putting my hand on his arm "everything was fine until you came up. Stop being so fucking clingy" Mark said walking away and I felt tears prick my eyes

'why the hell is mark acting like this?' I asked myself trying to get to sleep until I gave up and sighed. I decided that the best thing to do was to just go and have a walk around the camp.

As I was lying on the grass looking up at the stars I heard footsteps coming closer so I sat up and saw a guy. "what are you doing up?" he asked "couldn't sleep. How about you?" "couldn't sleep either" he said sitting next to me and I smiled slightly. "what's your name?" he asked looking at me "lana" I said shaking his hand "I'm Jake" (again, it's just a random name) he said smiling.

~in the morning~

"lana! I've been looking everywhere for you, where were you" josh shouted running up to me "I was out here, is everything alright?" I asked "yeah everything is fine I just had a question" he said and I nodded continuing to walk "is everything okay between you and Mark?" he asked and I tensed up but smiled and nodded "yeah it's all fine"

We were all sitting at breakfast and I was sitting next to Jake and we were talking quietly and trying not to laugh. I could see all of my friends looking at us but I ignored it, especially Mark. "Who's the guy that keeps looking at you" Jake asked frowning "oh him, um that's mark" i said pushing back the tears as the memories of what happened yesterday flooded my thoughts. "you wanna tell me about it later?" he said sensing that I wasn't gonna talk about it here and I nodded.

"so basically, he found this girl called Astrid here and ever since they met he's just been really mean and keeps ignoring me" I told Jake as we were walking to go to some jobs "Well i can already tell he's a jerk" he said and I shrugged "he can be sometimes" "Well you have me now ill be your best friend instead" Jake said and I laughed and nodded

We had finished our jobs for most of the day and we were getting ready to go to lunch. I stood up and saw Mark and Astrid making out behind a building away from everyone else "ignore him come on" Jake said dragging me away. We sat down and mark looked sad for some reason but I ignored him and turned to face Jake.

"lana can I speak to you" Mark said walking over and I looked at Jake who was glaring at him "Who's this" Mark asked "her new bestfriend" Jake said and Mark looked upset. "but I'm her bestfriend" he said "not after yesterday" I told him "please lana can we just talk" he asked and I sighed and nodded after telling Jake to go ahead

"What do you want" I asked him crossing my arms "I'm so sorry for what I said, it's just Astrid didn't like me hanging around you so I thought-" he said but I stopped him "you thought it was the best thing? Mark you could've just told me and I would've let you guys have space. You didn't have to go and break my heart" I said starting to go and walk away "I broke things off with her because I like you" Mark said and I stopped in my tracks "I realised I liked you and I was wondering that after I apologised, you would considering going out with me" he told me and I scoffed

"well you thought wrong. You can't expect me to forgive you after some petty apology" I said "you always weren't good at forgiving people" Mark said and I got angry "WELL MAYBE IT WOULD BE EASIER IF SOME PEOPLE ACTUALLY MEANT WHAT THEY SAID MARK. I DONT CARE THAT YOU LIKE ME. THAT DOESN'T CHANGE WHAT YOU SAID DOES IT? JUST LEAVE ME ALONE" I yelled at him and I started to cry so I ran towards the building where we all sleep.

There will be a part 2 because its kinda long

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