-|State of Maine: "Where the lobsters outnumber the people by a crap ton..."|-

76 1 6

The art is in fact mine, by the way.

((I begun to work on this one's drawing much earlier than the others, so if you see a slight drop in quality, that explains it.))

This is Maine, the Pine Tree State, and the 23rd state.

Maine is a fairly chill, easygoing, and rather quiet state. He has a strong affinity for the outdoors, specifically anything involving the abundant forests that can be found all across his home. He's not the brightest of the states and can sometimes be a little dense, but he has his blind kindness to make up for it.

Massachusetts is his older brother, and though Maine knows that he cares for him a lot, he wishes he could stop being treated like he's a kid still. He's friendly with people like Vermont, New Hampshire, and even some of Canada's provinces. Though, he hasn't been too keen with Missouri ever since 1820, and quite frankly he doesn't know why...

Extras (which will update when new headcanons come to mind)

•His full human name is Seth Augusta Stewart.
•Physically, he is seventeen years old.

~Mini Story May Come Soon~

Word Count: 166

Coming up soon: Georgia

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