-|State of Florida: "There's always sun after every rainstorm, right..?"|-

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The art is in fact mine, by the way.

This is Florida, the Sunshine State and the 27th State.

Florida's just a giant ball of chaotic energy. Though unlike most, she can control it... When she wants to. Her moods are quite like her weather: everyone else knows her for being positive and overall jubilant, though sometimes she can grow tired of it and go into more depressing moods. Though despite that, she's probably the most friendly, energetic, yet odd state in the Union.

None of the other Southern states are really a big fan of her (cause most think she and her "Florida men" are a big reason for the South's bad rep), although her and Louisiana have been close ever since they first met each other, and she's pretty friendly with Georgia too.

Extras (which will update when new headcanons come to mind)

•Her full human name is Isabelle Tallahassee Sánchez.
•Physically, she is seventeen years old.
•Her, along with California and Texas are actually a trio of best friends. Others have dubbed them the "Troublemaker Trio", though Cali thought something like the "Badass Trio" would work better.

~Mini Story: "...Yeah, we know." (Part 1.5)~
[[Takes place between "...Yeah, we know." parts 1 and 2.]]

The sound of fast-paced footsteps gradually grew closer to Florida from where she stood at Hains Point (still in D.C) (1). The second that the states' meeting had concluded, she had her stuff packed and was one of the first people out the door of the room, without a single word, remark, or comment. Little had she known that her unusual actions had worried one state in particular.

"Florida! I was wondering where you left to!"

Previously mentioned state whipped her head around to see an exhausted Louisiana, still trying to catch her breath, and raised an eyebrow at her. "How did you just so happen to find me in this large city so quickly?"

"The plot had to happen somehow," Louisiana replied casually.

"Oh, makes sense."

Florida turned back around to continue watching the (totally not cliche) sunset across the Potomac River, whilst the other walked over to sit down beside her. "You're not smiling as you usually do... Is there something wrong..?" Louisiana asked, concern lacing her voice.

The Sunshine State had just realised how sad she must of looked, so she quickly plastered on a smile and replied, "Eh? What do you mean? There's nothing wrong, see? I'm even smiling right now!" Even with an added bit of laughter from her, neither of them were truly convinced.

"Florida...", she began, continuing to speak in such a soft and kind way that made the other's act completely shatter before her, and all that was left was a mildly astonished look. "...You don't have to hide how you're really feeling. Just tell me about it, I promise I'll listen to every word you need to say."

Florida took a deep breath, and since she had essentially been caught red-handed, she began her confession.

"The truth is... I'm scared about this year's 'Operation: Family Reunion'..."

"Why? Afraid it would just end in chaos like every other time?"

"No, that's just gonna happen anyway, guaranteed and without a doubt. Mama said he'd invite some of the nations too, right? So that means he'll probably invite Spain as well."

"Yeah, most likely... But what's so bad about that? I bet he'd absolutely love to see you again!"

"But what if he wouldn't?"

Louisiana froze for a moment, eyes widening slightly in realisation. 'That's what she's worried about..? The funny bit is I've had that same thought about someone else at the back of my mind... But I still wasn't expecting her to think the same thing.'

A second later, she finally replied, "Heh, that's ridiculous, of course he would! You're acting as if you think he doesn't like you anymore, hahaha..."

Florida stayed quiet for a brief period of time, then slowly tilted her head downwards, her bangs now hiding her face from view.

"Wait, it was a joke! You actually believe that?!", Louisiana half-screamed out of panic, watching the other wince in slight guilt once she had spoken.

"Well, if you think about it", Florida began with a forced smile as an attempt to not cause any more worry, "he gave me away for a reason, right? It's because I was a burden."

"It's because he wanted to protect you", the Pelican State interjected.

"Oh come on, now you're just saying things."

"I'm not! Think about how happy he looked when he saw you. Y'know, when we'd crashed the UN Conference? You can't just pass on something as unmistakable as that!"

Florida tried speaking up again, but was stopped by Louisiana suddenly giving her a hug.

"And if he truly doesn't like you anymore, I'll sock him in the face for you, and you can consider it a part of the 'debt' I still need to pay to you for all those years in the past."

The other went silent for a little longer, but then smiled, a genuine smile this time, and returned the hug. "Y'know I never said you had to pay me back for just being a friend to you for a long time."

Louisiana mumbled in response, "You've done much more than that, believe me..."

The hug went on for a little longer, before both suddenly realised how long it had been going for, and simultaneously pulled away with slightly tinted cheeks.

"Um, should we go inside now? Y'know, before it gets too dark out?", Louisiana then suggested.

"Yeah, probably so", Florida agreed.

So the two began their walk back, with the sun still peeking out from the horizon line. While the Sunshine State knew that not all of her problems were solved just yet, she did feel a small weight lift off her shoulders, and that was all she could really wish for.


(1) Fun fact: Hains Point really is an actual place you can go to. It's a park right on the Potomac River, and not too far from the Thomas Jefferson Memorial. Never been there myself, but I've heard it's nice there..!

Word Count: 1028

Coming up soon: Massachusetts

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