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Kara tried to sneak up on Lincoln with knives in her hands but then Lincoln whips around and grabs her wrists at the last second.

"Better?" Kara asked pinned under him.

"We'll make a warrior out of you yet." They then started start to kiss which turned into something more.

As they were both leaving we ran into someone and it ended up being Finn. He then goes to attack Lincoln.

"Finn?! Lincoln, wait, wait! He's my friend." Kara says as she tries to stop Finn from trying to hurt Lincoln which she knows that he wouldn't be able to.

"I think you lost this." Finn said as he handed something to Lincoln.

"So, what the hell are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing. I could also ask how long you've known he speaks English, but I won't."  Finn then shows Lincoln his horn, "You blew this when your people were hunting us. You saved our lives. I have to believe there's more like you."

"I stabbed you." Lincoln pointed out.

"And we tortured you. If the two of us can get along, then maybe there's hope. Learn from history instead of repeating it, right?"

"How's that gonna happen?" Kara asked Finn confused.

"For starters, no more killing."

"I don't have the power to call a truce." Lincoln informs Finn.

"Then bring me to someone who does. Hey, look. The rest of our people are coming down here. The first ship lands in two days."

"It's true." Kara confirms as Lincoln looks to her.

"And because of the attacks, they're sending mostly soldiers, the people that enforce our laws. The Ark is about survival at any cost, and they'll kill people who fall out of line. When those people get down here if they feel threatened, they will start a war, and I don't want that. Neither do you, and I think that's why you blew that horn. Once the soldiers get here, it will be too late, and we'll have no power to stop them, but if they see that we're at peace, then maybe we have a chance to stay that way."

"All right. You bring your leader, I'll bring mine."

"What, Bellamy? He'll never go for this." Kara said knowing her brother wouldn't want to talk the grounders leader.

"No. Not your brother." Lincoln said and Kara knew who Lincoln was talking about.

"Clarke." Finn realized.


Kara had went back to camp with Finn and she had went to Octavia and filled her in on what was happening.

" Finn and I set up a meeting with the grounders." Kara had told her and she just nodded her head.

"Okay, I'll go with you guys." Octavia said then she went to get her stuff. 

Clarke and Finn arrive at the meeting place only to see Octavia and Kara. 

"So that's how you set this up. You helped him escape, didn't you?" She asks Kara with an annoyed looked on her face.

"I trust him, Clarke." Kara had told her sticking up for Lincoln.

"There's a lot of that going around." She says as she looks to Finn then they see Lincoln run out and Kara then runs to him and they hug each other.

"Wait. Look. Oh, my God. Horses!"

"Hey. We said no weapons." Finn said noticing the Grounders have weapons.

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