9 | tutoring

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"Hey," Del greeted as she entered the infirmary where James was, stopping at the foot of his bed. "How are you?"

"I'm supposed to take it easy the next few days but other than that I'm fine," he answered. "She just wanted me to stay here for a few hours just in case."

"Think about it this way, at least you don't need crutches," she joked and his face dropped. "It's a joke, you're supposed to laugh or smile. You're not supposed to look like I just killed your puppy."

His frown deepened as he pushed himself into a sitting position, "It's just...I'm the reason you're stuck with them. The reason you can't walk."

"Geez, I knew you could be self absorbed but not everything is about you," she informed him and he narrowed his eyes. She rocked back and forth on her crutches for a moment, "My mother did this to me. She just used you to do it. If it wasn't you, it would have been someone else."


"No more arguing about," she informed him, "Let's just move on from it."

He nodded, albeit reluctantly, and she let out a breath of relief. "Now that we're past the whole you feeling bad thing, I need a favor," Del informed him. She moved around his bed and took a seat in the chair next to it, leaning her crutches against the edge of the bed.

"Okay..." he trailed off, eyeing the girl. He couldn't think of anything she would need his help with that wouldn't end horribly.

"I need you to tutor me in Transfiguration."

He was taken aback by this, "You're the top of the entire seventh year, academically speaking. Why would you possibly need my help?"

"Because you're top in Transfiguration and I need to pass the practical portion of the test," she explained. "As much as I wish they could, books can't teach you everything. McGonagall suggested I ask you for help."

He raised an eyebrow at this, "She did?"

She narrowed her eyes, "You seem surprised."

"She's not usually prone to suggest me to help with anything," he explained simply although Del sensed that there was more to it. "I tend to be destructive."

"I'm aware," she replied and he shot the girl a glare. "So? Will you do it?"

"Are you sure it's a good idea?" he asked warily. "Your mother has made it clear where she stands in regards to me and I don't want to make anything worse."

"My mother is going to find a reason to be mad at me no matter what I do," Del pointed out with a shrug. "Besides, she's the one adamant about me passing all my tests with flying colors. I need you to help me do that."

He seemed reluctant and she rolled her eyes, "Come on, Potter. If it'll make you feel better, nobody has to know you're helping me."

"And how would we do that?"

She shrugged, "Just come to my room after curfew using the map."

"Alright, fine," he agreed.

"Perfect," she grinned. "We can start whenever you're up for it."


"We can wait a few days."

He shook his head, "No, tonight is fine." He paused for a moment, "Unless you don't want to start tonight."

"Tonight works for me," she nodded before placing her palms on the edge of his bed and pushing herself up. She slipped her arms into the crutches and faced him for a moment, "I'll see you tonight then?"

Treacherous | J. POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now