17 | tested loyalties

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The day she felt the mark on her arm move for the first time was the day she truly regretted the whole thing. Because it was time to prove her loyalty.

If she thought she had regretted her decision before, she was wrong. Now she regretted it.

Regulus found her within minutes and he grabbed her arm, pulling her off to the side. "Now," he hissed. "Now? It's a Hogsmeade weekend!"

"You don't think I know that," she replied sharply. "Look, if you play sick, claim that you were throwing up and go spend the day with Pomfrey, you'll be fine."

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to go," she huffed. "I don't have a choice, remember?"

"Merlin, how did this happen?" he ran a hand over his face.

She narrowed her eyes, "How do you think, Reg?"

He huffed, "I'm not going to let you go on your own."

"I'll be fine," she informed him. "If I get caught, I'll manage. I'm basically done with school so it doesn't matter. You need to be here for two more years. It's better - and safer - if you stay here."

Regulus opened his mouth to reply but something seemed to catch his eye. "Incessant brother in three, two..."

Del turned around to come face to face with Sirius. She flashed a smile, "Hello, brother."

His eyes were narrowed and he did not look happy with her. Not that that was new as of late, "We need to talk."

"See, I'm sure you have a good reason for that," she nodded, "But as of right now, I have somewhere I need to be. You...just stay here, in the castle. You know, where it's safe. Do a prank or something. But stay here."

He raised an eyebrow and was about to comment but she cut him off, "I'll find you later. Probably." She took off without another word and a very confused Regulus followed shortly after.

Sirius watched after them in confusion but he knew one thing. He was definitely not staying at the school today.

Regulus and Del made their way to the carriages that would take them to Hogsmeade, the latter trying to convince the former to go back the whole way there.

"I already told you, I'm not leaving you alone," he said pointedly as they exited the carriage. "Besides we're already here."

Del looked around and sucked in a sharp breath. There were a lot of people here. A lot of innocent children.

She stuffed her hands into the pocket of her hoodie and looked around. It wasn't noticeable at a first glance but as she looked around, she saw them.

Hidden throughout Hogsmeade, blending in with students, were Death Eaters. Regulus tensed up beside her, clearly noticing what she had.

"Just keep your head down," she suggested. "As soon as the fighting starts, put your hood up and make sure it stays."

"There are so many of them." Of us, Del wanted to correct him but refrained. "This is going to be bad."

She shook her head slightly, "It'll be fine." No, it wouldn't.

It started off small, impossible to see coming. There was a shout and screaming erupted, immediately followed by spells being shot left and right.

Del pulled up her hood and gestured for Regulus to do the same before she waved her wand, sealing their hoods into place. "Miss your target. Hit around them, scare them. You don't have to hurt anybody if you don't want to Reg. Be careful."

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